The proper method for incorporating a hover effect using CSS

Currently, I am facing an issue with integrating a hover effect to an image using CSS. The problem arises when the hover area is not aligned properly and the effect triggers even when the mouse is not directly over the image.

<div id='backgroundContainer'>
    <div id='background31'></div>


 html, body {
    width: 300%;
    background: url('background.png');
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    background-size: cover;
#backgroundContainer {
#background31 {
    position: absolute;
    background: url('alure.png');
    background-size: 5%;
    background-size: 7%;

I attempted to simplify the code by using `background-position` or `margin-left`, but unfortunately, it did not work as expected.

Answer №1

When setting the hover effect on a large area within a div (highlighted in red in the fiddle below), the activation of the hover is not limited to just when the mouse is directly over the image.

To resolve this issue, add an image inside the nested div and apply the hover effect specifically to that image.

<div id='backgroundContainer'>
    <div id='background31'>
        <img src='' id='testImage'>


Here is the corresponding CSS:

    width: 100px
    width: 150px;

For more information, please refer to:


An additional link has been included for the image:

Answer №2

Since you've applied the hover effect to the entire div, not just the image, the background31 div takes up the lower right corner of your window.

Take a look here:

Your image appears very small in comparison to the surrounding div because it's set to only 5% of the div size.

To correct this issue, resize the div to be smaller and increase the background size to fill the entire div.

If you want the hover effect to only impact the image, then apply the hover specifically to the image element.

Check out this solution:

Answer №3

Consider updating the following code snippet:


                         background: url(maxresdefault.jpg);
                         background-size: 5%;

                         background-size: 100%;

Answer №4

The hover effect is not applied to the image because only the background-size changes, not the size of the #background31 element itself. This means that the width always remains at 70%.

To achieve the desired effect, you should set background-size to 100% and adjust the width of the background31 element accordingly.

#background31 {
    background-size: 100%;
    width: 5%
    width: 2%;

Keep in mind that background-size is not compatible with IE8. If you require IE8 support, consider using an <img> element instead of a div.

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