The process for incorporating two distinct Google fonts into a Next.js project using Material UI

Currently in the process of upgrading my MUI5 application from Next 12 to Next 13 and experimenting with integrating next/font. In my previous Next 12 version, I utilized two Google fonts - 'Rubik' and 'Ephesis' which were included in the <head> section, making them available globally for use in CSS styling.

For instance, I could simply use

<Typography fontFamily='Ephesis' children='Hi' />
and it would display correctly.

However, now that I am using next/font, I'm unsure how to incorporate both font families globally so that components like <Typography> mentioned above continue to work.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

For detailed information on how to use multiple fonts and implement them across various sections using a font definitions file, refer to this specific section in the official documentation.

import { Roboto, Inter } from 'next/font/google';

export const inter = Inter();
export const roboto = Roboto({ weight: '400', subsets: ['latin'] });

To incorporate these fonts into your application, you can import them as shown below:

import { roboto, inter } from './my-font-file';

const Component = () => {
  return (
      <p className={roboto.className}>I am in Roboto font</p>
      <p className={inter.className}>I am in Inter font</p>

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