The presence of absolute positioned elements is causing the appearance of a horizontal scrollbar

On my webshop's categoria page, I have implemented sliders to filter products based on price ranges.

The issue arises when viewing the site on mobile devices, as a horizontal scrollbar appears due to the absolute positioning of these sliders and their dynamic calculations through JavaScript.

Any suggestions on how to address this? The slider plugin being used is Ion range slider.

Feel free to visit the site for reference

<div class="filters_container">
                    <input id="range_03" value="" name="" >
                    <input name="price_from" id="price_from" type="hidden" value="26656">
                    <input name="price_to" id="price_to" type="hidden" value="50533">
                    <input name="slider_from" id="slider_from" type="hidden" value="26656">
                    <input name="slider_to" id="slider_to" type="hidden" value="50533">

Answer №1

Perhaps incorporating some padding within the row element would be beneficial, given that the width of the selectors appears to exceed the bounds of the irs-bar context :

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