The positioning of the <a> tag seems to be slightly skewed

My goal was to add a simple dotted underline animation to the menu bar on my website, so I crafted the following HTML:

<nav role="navigation" class="navigation">

  <ul class="nav-listed-links">
    <li class="active"><a href="">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="">About</a></li>
    <li><a href="">Our Potfolio</a></li>
    <li><a href="">History</a></li>
    <li><a href="">Contact US</a></li>
    <li class="underline"></li>


Additionally, I created this JS code to animate the moving underline.


$('.nav-listed-links > li > a').hover(function() {

  var offset = ($(this).offset().left - 0),
    width = $(this).outerWidth();


    left: offset,
    width: width

}, function() {



The smooth animation is achieved using CSS transitions, FIDDLE HERE.

Despite my efforts, I encountered an issue with the position of the underline not aligning with the start of the <a> tag, as shown in the screenshot below:

I am puzzled by this discrepancy and haven't yet been able to determine the cause. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Utilizing the offset() function enables you

to retrieve the current position relative to the document

Thus, due to the default margin of the body, an additional gap is created.

To prevent any issues, I recommend utilizing the position() function, as it ensures that the underline is in relation to the ul container:

retrieve the current position of an element relative to the offset parent

var offset = $(this).position().left,

Check out the Updated Fiddle

Reference Position() Documentation

Answer №2

The issue at hand is primarily caused by the margin applied to the body in the current setup. To resolve this, simply setting margin: 0 will produce the desired outcome. It's possible that similar margins are present on other surrounding elements, so those should be adjusted accordingly as well.

To see the solution in action, check out the updated JSFiddle with margin-left: 0px; specifically added to the body element here:

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