The page may experience some issues in Firefox, but it functions properly in Chrome

I designed a sign-in box with email and password inputs, along with some JavaScript to change its style when filled in. The CSS I used also moves the placeholder when the input is focused. Everything was working perfectly until I tested it in Firefox. Firstly, I noticed that when the placeholder moves up, it disappears even though it's styled with display: block.
Secondly, after typing text, clearing the input, and then unfocusing, a strange line appears above the input field.
I've attempted to tweak some styles, but haven't had any luck so far.
Check out my jsfiddle page for reference:

Answer №1

Initially, the text vanishes because the property background-clip: text is only supported in webkit browsers, leaving Firefox with no alternative and resulting in a blank display.

To solve this issue in Firefox, one can employ techniques like using SVGs for gradient text effects. For further details, refer to this resource:

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