The outline color cannot be removed from vue-carousel

I recently downloaded the Vue Carousel library and here is the version I am using:
"vue": "^2.6.11", "vue-carousel": "^0.18.0",

When I click on the pagination, a focus effect is added to the element with an outline color.

View Image Here

I attempted to remove the outline from /node_midules/vue-awesome/vue-carousel/scr/pagination.vue/

.VueCarousel-dot:focus {
  /* outline: 1px solid lightblue; */
  outline: none;

I also tried removing it in the component's style like this:

 .VueCarousel-dot, .VueCarousel-dot:focus{
  outline: none !important;

However, the blue outline still persists even after these changes. How can I resolve this issue? Thank you!

Answer №1

You've selected the incorrect CSS selector

.VueCarousel-navigation-button:focus {
    outline: none !important;

After implementing this code, the outline disappeared

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