The onload event for windows does not fire

I am currently working on a project that requires the use of tabbing control with flyingbox. To achieve this, I consulted the following link:

After referring to the above link, I made some modifications to my project. I am retrieving details from another page named product_detail.aspx using jQuery as shown below:

                 var myid=( $(this)[0].attributes["data-id"].value);
                     $('#inline_content').html('<img src="images/ajax-loader.gif" style="margin-left: 50%;padding: 10px;"/>')
                     $.get( "product_detail.aspx?product_id="+myid+"", function( data )      {
                        var resourceContent = data; 
                         $('#cboxLoadedContent div').html();
                         $('#cboxLoadedContent div').html(data);
                         var aa= callmeonetime();
                         return false;
                                // can be a global variable too...
                        // process the content...


Additionally, I have a tabs.js function defined as well.

function callmeonetime()
window.onload=function() {

  // get tab container
  var container = document.getElementById("tabContainer");
    // set current tab
    var navitem = container.querySelector(".tabs ul li");
    //store which tab we are on
    var ident ="_")[1];
    //set current tab with class of activetabheader

    //hide two tab contents we don't need
    var pages = container.querySelectorAll(".tabpage");
    for (var i = 1; i < pages.length; i++) {

    //this adds click event to tabs
    var tabs = container.querySelectorAll(".tabs ul li");
    for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {

// on click of one of tabs
function displayPage() {
  var current = this.parentNode.getAttribute("data-current");
  //remove class of activetabheader and hide old contents
  document.getElementById("tabHeader_" + current).removeAttribute("class");
  document.getElementById("tabpage_" + current).style.display="none";

  var ident ="_")[1];
  //add class of activetabheader to new active tab and show contents
  document.getElementById("tabpage_" + ident).style.display="block";

window.onload=function() {

  // get tab container
    var container = document.getElementById("tabContainer");
        var tabcon = document.getElementById("tabscontent");
    // set current tab
    var navitem = document.getElementById("tabHeader_1");

    //store which tab we are on
    var ident ="_")[1];
    //set current tab with class of activetabheader

    //hide two tab contents we don't need
     var pages = tabcon.getElementsByTagName("div");
        for (var i = 1; i < pages.length; i++) {

    //this adds click event to tabs
    var tabs = container.getElementsByTagName("li");
    for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {

// on click of one of tabs
function displayPage() {
  var current = this.parentNode.getAttribute("data-current");
  //remove class of activetabheader and hide old contents
  document.getElementById("tabHeader_" + current).removeAttribute("class");
  document.getElementById("tabpage_" + current).style.display="none";

  var ident ="_")[1];
  //add class of activetabheader to new active tab and show contents
  document.getElementById("tabpage_" + ident).style.display="block";

When debugging the function, it was noted that

$.get( "product_detail.aspx?product_id="+myid+"", function( data )
successfully retrieves data from the specified page but simultaneously triggers the callmeonetime() event. However, within that event, the window.onload=function() is being skipped, resulting in the tabs not functioning correctly on my page.

What changes should I make to ensure proper functionality?

Answer №1

                 var myid=( $(this)[0].attributes["data-id"].value);
                     $('#inline_content').html('<img src="images/ajax-loader.gif" style="margin-left: 50%;padding: 10px;"/>')
                     $.get( "product_detail.aspx?product_id="+myid+"", function( data )      {
                        var resourceContent = data; 
                         $('#cboxLoadedContent div').html();
                         $('#cboxLoadedContent div').html(data);

                         var container = document.getElementById("tabContainer");
    // setting current tab
    var navitem = container.querySelector(".tabs ul li");
    //keeping track of the active tab
    var ident ="_")[1];
    //set current tab with class of activetabheader

    //hiding unnecessary tab contents
    var pages = container.querySelectorAll(".tabpage");
    for (var i = 1; i < pages.length; i++) {

    //adding click event to tabs
    var tabs = container.querySelectorAll(".tabs ul li");
    for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {

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