The navigation bar extends beyond the page's width

Currently, I am working on a website that was started by a former colleague. One issue I have noticed is that when the browser window's resolution reaches 768px or lower, the navigation transforms into a drop-down menu that appears wider than the page itself. This results in a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom, allowing users to scroll right and revealing white space next to the page.

(Attached is a screenshot of the problem)

Since I did not create this webpage from scratch, I am unsure about which code can be removed and where the source of the issue lies. I am also uncertain about what part of the code to include here.

I researched similar questions on the site, and some responses mentioned altering the "overflow" settings. However, this solution did not effectively resolve my problem. I apologize if there is another identical post to mine.

The website link is: (feel free to review the code).

Initially, I suspected the error might be within the media queries since the issue only occurs in smaller resolutions. However, I am reconsidering this theory.

I hope my explanation was clear. Thank you for your time.

Answer №1

Commonly, when one of my clients encounters this issue, it is usually due to their content, specifically text, extending beyond the viewport. For instance, a lengthy word in a heading may cause the last few letters to overflow the container (as standard word-breaking is not applied).

I recommend scrolling down the page and checking for any instances of this occurrence.

An effective solution that I typically implement is through CSS:

* {
    max-width: 100%;

This method resolves most of these errors. You also have the option to target specific elements instead of using a universal selector.

I tested this CSS on your page and it successfully rectified the issue. However, bear in mind that instant fixes are not always favored by the community, hence I will provide an explanation:

The root cause lies in certain elements exceeding desired lengths. Why is this happening?

Your padding on the title blocks adds unnecessary width, thus, you should apply:

box-sizing: border-box

to its styling. Specifically, these elements require attention:

.col_tiles_14 {
    margin-left: 12.5px;
    margin-right: 12.5px;

These elements introduce additional white space due to right margins being appended to the boxes.

While the quickest resolution would be applying the max-width attribute, it might not suit everyone's preferences.

I trust this information proves helpful; otherwise, feel free to reach out for further clarification.

Answer №2

Issue arises from the fact that the #attraction_items element exceeds the width of its parent, resulting in horizontal scrolling on the page.

To resolve this problem, consider implementing the following code:

#attraction_items {
  clear: both;
  overflow: hidden;
  /* margin-left: -12.5px; */
  /* margin-right: -12.5px; */

By removing the negative margins mentioned above, you can prevent the horizontal scrolling on the page.

It seems like your previous colleague was attempting to adjust for the margins on child elements with the class col_tiles_1.

.col_tiles_1, .col_tiles_2, .col_tiles_3, .col_tiles_4, .col_tiles_5, .col_tiles_6, .col_tiles_7, .col_tiles_8, .col_tiles_9, .col_tiles_10, .col_tiles_11, .col_tiles_12, .col_tiles_13, .col_tiles_14 {
  background-color: #f5f5f5;
  background-size: cover;
  background-position: center;
  position: relative;
  height: 344px;
  min-height: 1px;
  margin-left: 12.5px;
  margin-right: 12.5px;

Answer №3

To improve the layout, try commenting out the negative margins for the attraction items. In your main.css file, update the following:

    clear: both;
    overflow: hidden;
    margin-left: -12.5px; /* commented out */
    margin-right: -12.5px; /* commented out */


    clear: both;
    overflow: hidden;
    /*margin-left: -12.5px;
    margin-right: -12.5px;*/

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