The Mui Switch track color fails to change when checked

I'm looking to customize the colors of the track for both checked and unchecked states. Currently, the track color is working for the unchecked state but defaults for the checked state:

Checked State:

Unchecked State:

import Switch from '@mui/material/Switch';

    ".MuiSwitch-thumb": {
      backgroundColor: "#FF9528"
    ".MuiSwitch-track": {
      backgroundColor: "#FF4823"
    "& .Mui-checked": {
      ".MuiSwitch-thumb": {
        backgroundColor: "#FF4823"
      ".MuiSwitch-track": {
        backgroundColor: "#FF4823"

Answer №1

You're almost there.

In the Customize section of the MUI documentation, they provide an example where the checked version of the track requires a CSS selector of +, so instead of just .MuiSwitch-track, it should be +.MuiSwitch-track.


The default style is overriding the checked version, so we need to modify the CSS selector slightly to give our custom styling higher priority. I fixed it following the official documentation's guidance.

      ".MuiSwitch-thumb": {
        backgroundColor: "#FF9528"
      ".MuiSwitch-track": {
        backgroundColor: "#FF4823"
      "& .MuiSwitch-switchBase": {
        "&.Mui-checked": {
          "+ .MuiSwitch-track": {
            backgroundColor: "#FF4823"
          ".MuiSwitch-thumb": {
            backgroundColor: "#FF4823"

Find the code example in the MUI doc here --

Check out a demo on CodeSandbox with your code

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