The MUI snackbar element lingers in the DOM even after it has been closed

Having created a global modal with the intention of only utilizing it when necessary, I've encountered an issue where the snackbar div persists in the DOM. This persistence is causing certain elements to become blocked as they appear beneath this div. Any insights on what might be causing this problem?

This is my GlobalAlert component:

export function GlobalAlert() {
  const {alertState, handleClose} = useAlertContext();
  const {open, type, message} = alertState;

  function TransitionDown(props: TransitionProps) {
    return <Slide {...props} direction="down" />;

  return (
      key={"top" + "center"}
      anchorOrigin={{vertical: "top", horizontal: "center"}}
      <Alert severity={type} sx={useStyles.alert} variant="filled" onClose={handleClose}>

The context where information is retrieved from:

const AlertContextProvider = (props: any) => {
  const [alertState, setAlertState] = React.useState<AlertState>({
    open: false,
    type: "error",
    message: "",

  const handleClose = React.useCallback((event?: React.SyntheticEvent | Event, reason?: string) => {
    if (reason === "clickaway") {
      open: false,
      type: "error",
      message: "",
  }, []);

  const value = React.useMemo(
    () => ({
    [alertState, handleClose],

  return <AlertContext.Provider value={value} {...props} />;

Reference image for the bug:

Answer №1

To address the issue, I included the following line in the Snackbar properties:

ClickAwayListenerProps={{ onClickAway: () => null, }}

I am currently utilizing MUI 5.

For further assistance, you may also want to check out this resource.

Answer №2

Encountered a similar problem with the snackbar functionality. In my case, when the snack bar's autoHideDuration is set, it applies 'visibility: hidden' to an intermediate div block instead of simply hiding it. To work around this issue, I adjusted the style of the snackbar's div block to display 'none' when the snackbar is in a closed state using the sx prop. Here is an example:

          anchorOrigin={{ vertical: 'top', horizontal: 'center' }}
          //  action={action}
                sx: {background : "green", }
          sx={{ display : () => snackbarOpen ? 'block' : 'none'} } 

View code snippet for setting display to none on close

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