The mouse scroll function is not functioning properly with the mCustomScrollbar jQuery plugin

I've been troubleshooting a problem without success, so I decided to download the jQuery plugin mCustomScrollbar. Everything seems to be working fine except for one thing - I can't scroll using the mousewheel on my test page. The console is clear, and examples from the author work flawlessly. I've tested my code on the latest versions of Firefox and Chrome, but it still doesn't seem to be functioning.

Here's a snippet of my code:


<div id="elements">
    <div id="list">
        xxx<br />xxx<br />
        abc<br />def<br />ghi<br />jkl<br />abc<br />def<br />ghi<br />jkl<br />abc<br />def<br />ghi<br />jkl<br />abc<br />def<br />ghi<br />jkl<br />




div#elements {
    border:1px solid #000;
div#elements p {
    border-bottom:1px solid #000;
    padding:8px 0;

If anyone has any advice or suggestions, please feel free to reach out. I'll be eagerly awaiting your response.

Answer №1

After much trial and error, I finally found the solution. It turns out that using the concatenated version of the code is the key.

Instead of using , you need to use . It may seem silly, but trust me, it does the trick.

Best regards

Answer №2

Looking for a solution to fix the webpack issue by commenting out certain lines in the mCustomSrollBar.js file.

The problem arises from the inability of the file to locate the route to the node_modules folder to load the mousewheel file. Here's a quick fix:

    var _rjs=typeof define==="function" && define.amd, /* RequireJS */
        _njs=typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports, /* NodeJS */
        _dlp=("https:"==document.location.protocol) ? "https:" : "http:", /* location protocol */

    $.event.special.mousewheel || $("head").append(decodeURI("%3Cscript src="+_dlp+"//"+_url+"%3E%3C/script%3E"));

    // if(!_rjs){
        // if(_njs){
        //  require("jquery-mousewheel")($);
        // }else{
        //  /* load jquery-mousewheel plugin (via CDN) if it's not present or not loaded via RequireJS 
        //  (works when mCustomScrollbar fn is called on window load) */

        // }
    // }

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