I've successfully created a mega menu, but I encountered an unexpected issue when using it before my carousel - the mega menu opens below the carousel instead of over it.
Here is the code for my carousel: carousel.component.html
<div class="container mt-5">
<mdb-carousel [animation]="'slide'">
<img class="d-block w-100 h-20" src="./assets/Images/2(a).PNG" alt="First slide">
<img class="d-block w-100 " src="./assets/Images/2(b).PNG" alt="Second slide">
<img class="d-block w-100" src="https://mdbootstrap.com/img/Photos/Slides/img%20(70).jpg" alt="Third slide">
Here is the code for my megamenu: home.component.html
... (megamenu code goes here) ...
And this is the output :
Any suggestions on how to make the mega menu appear above the carousel image slider?