The Material UI ToolTip displays inaccurately when placed within a container that has overflow scroll enabled

Within my ReactJS application, I have implemented a list of Material UI ToolTips with IconButtons nested inside a div element featuring overflow: scroll.

One specific row displays the Material UI ToolTip in the following manner:

<ClickAwayListener onClickAway={handleTooltipClose}>
      disablePortal: true,

There are issues with the positioning and display of the tooltip, as illustrated here:

Unfortunately, applying overflow: visible; to the div container housing the table and ToolTips is not an option due to the desired scroll behavior. Is there a workaround to prevent the ToolTip from being clipped by the container?

Answer №1

When working with Material-UI, it utilizes the Popper.js library. To handle various scenarios, you can leverage different Popper.js Options using the Tooltip PopperProps. In your specific case, consider implementing the preventOverflow modifier:

    disablePortal: true,
    popperOptions: {
      positionFixed: true,
      modifiers: {
        preventOverflow: {
          enabled: true,
          boundariesElement: "window" // specify the boundary as "window"

For a live demo, you can check out this CodeSandbox link.

Answer №2

For me, I was able to resolve a similar issue by turning off the flip modifier in Popper:

            disablePortal: true,
            popperOptions: {
                modifiers: [
                        name: 'flip',
                        enabled: false

Answer №3

Although the solution provided by 95faf8e76605e973 was helpful, it didn't completely solve my issue. I found that I needed to add the modifier 'preventOverflow' to make it work as expected. Here is the modified code snippet:

  disablePortal: true,
  popperOptions: {
    positionFixed: true,
    modifiers: {
      name: 'preventOverflow',
      options: {
        enabled: true,
        boundariesElement: "window" // specifying the boundary as "window"

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