The magic of coding is in the combination of Javascript

My goal is to create a CSS animation using jQuery where I add a class with a transition of 0s to change the color, and then promptly remove that class so it gradually returns to its original color (with the original transition of 2s).

The code below illustrates my issue. Why does the blue1() function not work as expected? It seems like the JavaScript executes too quickly for the new class to be added to the element, but I'm unsure about the inner workings of this process. However, if I add the class and then wait before removing it, as shown in blue2(), it works fine. Is there a more effective way to achieve this effect? What would be the optimal workaround?

Thank you.


function blue1(){

function blue2(){
}, 1000);
<script src=""></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>

<div id="element"></div>
<button id="button" onclick="blue1();">Run without delay</button>
<button id="button2" onclick="blue2();">Run with delay</button>

Answer №1

function toggleColor(){
  var transition = $("#element").is(".delayRed");
  }else {


function delayColorChange(){
  var alreadyRed = $("#element").is(".delayRed");
}, 1000);

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
  <title>JS Bin</title>
<div id="element"></div>
<button id="button" onclick="toggleColor();">Run without delay</button>
<button id="button2" onclick="delayColorChange();">Run with delay</button>

I made some changes to the code according to Bruno's specifications and included additional CSS for toggling between two colors. Note that transitioning to red is only allowed if the square doesn't already have the class red.




Answer №2

The issue with your concept not functioning correctly stems from jQuery's indifference towards any transitions on the class responsible for fading the blue background.

When you execute toggleClass(), it examines the element and either adds or removes the class. Initially, it adds the class; however, upon subsequent calls, it detects the class's presence and promptly eliminates it. This removal of the class also nullifies any ongoing transition effects.

A more effective approach, if your sole objective is to modify the background color, involves employing jQuery transitions along with a precise selector targeting your button instead of embedding the function within the HTML. Consider the following code snippet:

$('#button1').onclick(function() {

    background: 'blue'
  }, 2000, function() {

      background: 'red'
    }, 2000);



The above script establishes an event listener for your button click action and utilizes the .animate() method to animate the background property of the element to blue. A callback function is set to revert the background to red after 2 seconds. Adjust the timing parameters for different durations, and I recommend consulting the documentation for the animate() method provided in the link below.

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