The jQuery function is returning an inaccurate value for the height of

In my Cocoa (Mac) application, I am utilizing a Webview and trying to determine the accurate height of a document. While the typical method

works well in most cases, I encountered an issue with one specific website:


On this site, retrieving the document height using the above approach gives me around 500, even though the actual height is over 2000 since scrolling multiple screens reveals more content.

I attempted using JavaScript evaluation within the webview to obtain the correct height by following methods mentioned in resources like: How to get height of entire document with JavaScript?

Unfortunately, these methods also provided inaccurate values similar to my initial attempt. Even after loading jQuery on the page and using $(document.body).height(), the result was incorrect. Does anyone have insights into what might be causing this discrepancy? Is there a reliable alternative for determining the document height?

I observed discrepancies in the inspector tool in Chrome as well. The reported heights were inaccurate, with instances where the body height was less than that of its child nodes as depicted in the screenshots.

Answer №1

Let me explain how this page works:

The HTML and Body elements, along with a few others, are set to 100% height so they fit perfectly within the browser window. In my case, that's about 500 pixels high. But how does scrolling work in this setup? Well... There is a div with overflow:auto and the content inside it extends far beyond the visible space (around 4000px).

So when you scroll, you're actually scrolling just that specific div (look for layout-foreground scrolling-region)

In this scenario, it's accurate that the document's height is 500px. If you want to find the total height of the page, you can do so by running this command in the console:


This will show you a height of 4133px, which is the true height of the page in this particular instance.

Cheers :)

Answer №2

It appears that the CSS rules html,body{height:100%} and

are causing issues in your layout. By setting both elements to height:100% and changing the body to overflow:hidden, you can ensure that both html and body have the same height without any overflow, aligning the document height with the window height.

You may actually be interested in calculating the combined heights of

header, nav, and .background-white
, which would total around 4222, rather than the current 500.

Here's a possible solution:

var headerHeight = $('header').height(),
    navHeight = $('nav').height(),
    backgroundHeight = $('.background-white').height(),
    documentTotalHeight = headerHeight + navHeight + backgroundHeight;

Answer №3

It seems like you're currently capturing the window's inner width and height instead of the entire document.

You might want to consider using the following code:


I tested this on a random webpage and found that it returned over +8000 pixels, which seemed accurate. My window height was only 590 pixels (with the console open, of course).

I hope this information proves useful to you.

  • Molle

Answer №4

let doc = document;
        let pageHeight = Math.max(
        Math.max(doc.body.scrollHeight, doc.documentElement.scrollHeight),
        Math.max(doc.body.offsetHeight, doc.documentElement.offsetHeight),
        Math.max(doc.body.clientHeight, doc.documentElement.clientHeight)

let windowHeight= $(window).height(),
    documentHeight= $(document).height();

I trust this information is useful.

Answer №5

Why not add a delay before the page fully loads? $(document).ready(function(){..});

I encountered a similar problem while using Chrome. On a particular website, I needed to adjust the heights of two columns using JavaScript. When I refreshed the page (pressing F5), one of the columns would have a different height. This was resolved by utilizing $(document).ready.

Answer №6

Is this issue occurring across all web browsers or is it specific to Chrome?

Recently, on 1/15, Chrome released an update that brought about several changes, including alterations in the calculation of browser window and viewport dimensions. For more details, you can refer to the following post:

Answer №7

Having encountered a similar issue myself, I spent an entire day trying to figure it out. Eventually, I discovered that calling the statement inside window.onload was the key to getting the correct height.

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