The JavaScript array slideshow is experiencing some glitches in its transition

After diving into JavaScript recently, I managed to center a div and make it fullscreen as the window resizes. However, things got tricky when I added a script I found online to create an image transition using an array. Unfortunately, these scripts are conflicting and causing issues with the animation, especially when resizing the window. Check out my jsfiddle link below to see what I mean. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

function getWidth() {
var w = window.innerWidth;
x = document.getElementById("wrapper"); = "0s linear 0s"; w +"px"; 

function moveHorizontal() {
var w = window.innerWidth;
x = document.getElementById("wss"); = "0s linear 0s"; w / 2 -720 +"px" ;         

function moveVertical() {
var h = window.innerHeight;
x = document.getElementById("wss"); = "0s linear 0s"; h / 2 -450 +"px" ;         

var i = 0; 
var wss_array = ['',''];   
 var wss_elem;

function wssNext(){

  i++;                           = 0; 

if(i > (wss_array.length - 1)){           
i = 0;                           

function wssSlide(){
 wss_elem = document.getElementById("wss")
 wss_elem.innerHTML = '<img src="'+wss_array[i]+'">'; = "0.5s linear 0s"; = 1;


Answer №1

After creating this unique JSFiddle from scratch, I believe it will be a helpful tool for you. It showcases pure CSS transitions between classes using an array of URLs to smoothly switch among different pictures.

The code essentially progresses the "active" class to the next one each time it is called, assuming the first picture is initially set as the "active" class.

var pics = document.getElementById('slideshow').children,
    active = 0;

function slideshow() {
    for (var i = 0; i < pics.length; i++) {
        if (i == active && pics[i].className == "active") {
            console.log(i, active, (active + 1) % pics.length);
            active = (active + 1) % pics.length;
        pics[i].className = "";
    pics[active].className = "active";
    setTimeout(slideshow, 2000);
setTimeout(slideshow, 2000);

Additionally, here is the CSS that positions the container absolutely and only displays its children with the active class in a smooth transition effect.

#slideshow {
    position: absolute;
    top: 20%;
    bottom: 20%;
    left: 20%;
    right: 20%;
#slideshow img {
    position: absolute;
    max-height: 100%;
    max-width: 100%;
    opacity: 0;
    transition: opacity 1s linear;
#slideshow .active {
    opacity: 1;

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