The item on my list is barely visible, as the height of the list column is adjusted upon loading the page

In my footer, I have a list of links. When I click on the last item labeled "See more links," jQuery's slideToggle() function replaces the list with new members.

However, this action causes the bottom of my footer to shift slightly up and then back down.

A user named George helped me resolve this issue by using jQuery to set the height of #col on page load. Here is the code:

$('#col').height(function(_,v){ return v; });

Despite this solution, I'm encountering another issue that I can't quite figure out.

I have five versions of my design based on media queries. The image above shows my mobile version where the "See more links" link is almost completely hidden.

Moreover, Internet Explorer presents similar problems across all versions of my project...

Do you have any insight into why this might be occurring?

For a complete example, please refer to:

Answer №1

Try using min-height instead of height to ensure your div never shrinks below the specified minimum height.

However, simply changing the property may not address why the height is smaller than expected.

Consider examining your box model to determine what contributes to the overall height. Refer to the following resources for more information: and

It's possible that padding, margin, or border properties are affecting the height calculation.

Answer №2

Prevent hidden issues by utilizing min-height. For older versions of Internet Explorer (IE < 9) that do not support media queries, consider using Respond.js. It will enable media queries for IE 6-8 and is endorsed by Twitter Bootstrap.

If you encounter additional problems with IE, audit your JavaScript code for ES3 compatibility using a tool like JSHint, and employ polyfills such as es5-shim if you require features from ES5.

Answer №3

It seems like the problem isn't related to media queries since you're experiencing the same issue even without them. The function 'function(_,v){ return v; }' is only returning the height of the element without including margins or padding, which could be causing the link to get cut off at the bottom. You might want to try this alternative approach:

var $col = $('.col4');

Regarding your mention of refreshing sometimes resolving the issue, it's possible that the page hasn't fully rendered when your code runs, leading to an inaccurate height calculation.

Another concern to address is that you are using the same ID ('col') for multiple elements. Internet Explorer does not handle this well and may produce errors silently. IDs should always be unique!

Answer №4

If you encounter this issue, it may be due to using older versions of Internet Explorer. Consider limiting access for these browsers or providing a notice indicating the problem might be related to compatibility issues with outdated IE versions.

This website functions properly on Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, and the latest version of Internet Explorer.

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