The intricacy of the jQuery each function and its interaction with $(this

EXPLANATION: I am working with two elements, each containing a set of options. The first element has options with db-ids as values, acting as parent categories.

The second element is filled with options where the parent db-ids are their values and their own db-ids serve as html id-attributes, representing child categories.

PROBLEM: My goal is to hide all child categories initially, and when a parent category is selected, the corresponding children should become visible based on their value matching that of the parent.

MY ATTEMPTS: To achieve this, I wrote a script which unfortunately is not functioning properly. It adds a click event to each parent category, triggering a function to display the relevant child category if their value matches that of the clicked element.


<select multiple name="branch">
<option selected="" value="false">Please Select a Branch</option>
<option class="branch-item" value="0">Computer</option>
<option class="branch-item" value="1">Automobile</option>
<option class="branch-item" value="4">Technical</option>

<select multiple class="form-option" name="subbranch">
<option class="subbranch-item" style="display: none;" value="1">Software</option>
<option class="subbranch-item" style="display: none;" value="1">Hardware</option>
<option class="subbranch-item" style="display: none;" value="7">Mechanics</option>
<option class="subbranch-item" style="display: none;" value="7">Welding</option>   


<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function(e) {

            var values = $(this).val();
            $('.subbranch-item').each(function(element, value) {
                if(value == values)


I would appreciate any assistance in debugging the jQuery code, thank you

Answer №1

Give it a shot

let $department = $('select[name="department"]');
let departmentOptions = $.trim($department.html());

$('select[name="company"]').change(function () {
    let filter = $(this).children('option:selected').map(function () {
        return '[value="' + this.value + '"]'


Check out the demonstration: Fiddle

Answer №2

When the selected option in the dropdown menu for branch changes, this code snippet uses jQuery to show corresponding options in another dropdown menu for subbranch. It iterates through each branch option and compares it with each subbranch option to determine which ones to show.

Check out the live demo on JSFiddle

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