The innerHTML inside Angular components appears scrambled, with only the final innerHTML rendering correctly

When working on my Angular project (version 8), I encountered an issue where a list of static HTML content retrieved from a database is not rendering correctly in the parent HTML. Strangely, only the last div with innerHTML is being rendered correctly, while all the preceding divs with child HTML are jumbled and do not display properly. It seems like the styles of the child HTML elements are not being applied, except for the last one.

To render the HTML, I am using a sanitize HTML pipe for the `div`. The Angular component's onInit function queries the database in a loop. Each API call returns HTML text that is then added to an array of strings. This HTML text represents PDF files converted to HTML, each with its own style tag.

I suspect that only the style of the last innerHTML element is being applied to all the preceding child innerHTML elements, causing the content to appear jumbled. Any suggestions on how to solve this issue?

Below is the code snippet for rendering the HTML:

<div *ngFor="let qBank of tsqm.selectedQuestions; let i = index">
    <div class="page">
        <div [innerHTML]="questionDataFromHtml[i] | sanitizeHtml"></div>

Here is the Sanitize HTML pipe implementation:

@Pipe({ name: 'sanitizeHtml'})
export class SanitizeHtmlPipe implements PipeTransform {
    constructor(private _sanitizer: DomSanitizer) { }
    transform(value: string): SafeHtml {
        return this._sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(value);

And here is a simplified version of the component code:

    this.questionset =;
    // Pseudo code
    forEach(item in this.questionset){

getHTMLfromDB(question: QuestionBank) {
    this.Service.getQuestionHtmlFile(question.questionFilePath).subscribe(res => {
        question.questionData.questionDataFromHtml = res.text();

Images of correct and incorrect displays can be seen here:

Correct display - Question1 and Question2 are the same: Correct display

Incorrect display - Question1 and Question2 are different: Incorrect display

You can view the code on Stackblitz here: Stackblitz

Answer №1

One problem arises when the css styling gets overridden, causing the final values to be applied instead.

To address this issue, it is recommended to use id or class attributes to apply styles to specific components.

I have made some modifications to your stackblitz example. Take a look here

In hello.component.ts file:

The text color has been set to red using the text-red id.

export class HelloComponent {
  @Input() name: string;
html1 =
    "<html><head><style>  #text-blue {color:blue;}</style></head><body><h2 id='text-blue'>Inner HTML1 in red</h2></body></html>";
html2 =
    "<html><head><style>  #text-red {color:red;}</style></head><body><h2 id='text-red'>Inner HTML2 in blue</h2></body></html>";

Answer №2

To resolve the problem, I implemented a solution that involved utilizing the iFrame tag along with the srcdoc attribute. Our backend service sends HTML content to our Angular application, which is then sanitized before being displayed within the iFrames.

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