The inability for two dynamically created Ajax elements to identify one another is hindering their interaction

Hello wonderful people at Stack Overflow,

I've been attempting to create a table generator that dynamically creates two tables upon the click of a button. So far, it's been quite a frustrating journey full of roadblocks...

Currently, my approach involves generating a <p> element with a class of "heading" and a <div> element with a class of "content". The idea is that when the p element is clicked, the content will slideToggle.

I've tried using on() with jQuery and attaching various functions to the p element, but none seem to be working as expected. Additionally, the use of .hide() on the content doesn't seem to do anything, which is incredibly frustrating. Any guidance or advice on how to tackle this issue would be greatly appreciated!

The event handler seems to work fine for content that I've hardcoded in the HTML, but not for AJAX-generated code that gets appended to the div.

Here are some snippets of the relevant code: Ajax:

function submition() {
            type: 'GET',
            url: 'phpQueries.php?q=getQueryBuilder&schools=' + mySchools.toString()+ '&depts=' + myDeps.toString() + '&lvls=' + myLevs.toString() + '&srcs='+mySrc.toString() + '&codes='+myCodes.toString(),
            success: function (data) {


$(".heading").on("click", function() {
                alert("Hello World");


echo '<p class="heading">See/Hide Comments</p> ';
    echo '<div class="content">I am I am I am.... Superman!</div>';

Warm regards, Gempio

Answer №1

It appears that the reason for the issue is because, based on my understanding, a <p> tag with the class heading is created after assigning the click event handler.

The ideal approach would be to delegate your events to a container that encompasses the <p> tag. Let's consider this structure:

<div id="container_here"></div>

To address this in your JavaScript:

$("#container_here").on("click", ".heading", function () {

By doing this, you are attaching an event listener to the pre-existing parent container, allowing events to bubble up upon clicking the paragraph. Consequently, any dynamically added elements within that container will also trigger the assigned event handlers.

Why does this work? Because event handlers cannot be attached to non-existent elements.

Consider instances where you do this:


This action does not instruct Javascript to respond to clicks on all elements with the class something, but instead assigns event handlers solely to current instances of something on the page. If new elements with the same class are introduced, separate event handlers must be assigned.

As per jQuery documentation:

Event handlers are bound only to the currently selected elements; they must exist on the page at the time your code executes the .on() call

Additionally, David Walsh penned a thorough article on Event Delegation, which can be found here.

I hope this explanation proves beneficial.

Answer №2

Modify this:

$(".heading").on("click", function() {
    alert("Hello Universe");


$(document).on("click", ".heading", function() {
    alert("Hello Universe");

Another approach could be to place the $(".heading").on("click", ...) code within your AJAX success callback. However, if there are multiple .heading elements, you may encounter issues with multiple event bindings for pre-existing elements during subsequent AJAX calls resulting in appended tables. The root cause of why your initial method failed is that the element must exist before the event binding occurs. The first option I suggested functions because the event is bound to the document whereas the last option works due to it being included in the AJAX callback responsible for creating the element, ensuring its existence at the time of binding.

Answer №3

Imagine this scenario where you have the following HTML:

<div id="load_here">
    <!-- these elements are generated dynamically after the page loads -->
    <p class="title">Show/Hide Content</p>
    <div class="text">I am I am I am.... Spiderman!</div>
    <!-- end of dynamic content -->

Upon document ready, you can attach your event handler like so:

$(function() {
    // $(".title").click(//...this won't work since title doesn't exist initially
    $("#load_here").on("click",".title",function() {
        // this will work as expected - the event handler is attached to a pre-existing element
        // and will listen for events bubbling up from elements with the 'title' class

    loadData();   // asynchronous function that fills in your dynamic components.

Make sure to refer to the documentation for .on()

The key idea to grasp here is:


This statement selects all jQuery objects representing DOM elements with the class title. If no matching elements are found at the time it's executed, you'll get an empty selection. Despite this, jQuery allows chaining operations on an empty collection:

$(".title").on("click", function() { //...

This line essentially instructs to

attach an event handler to all matching DOM elements in my collection that will run this function when the click event occurs
. But if the collection is empty, nothing will happen.

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