The images in my gallery refuse to hover or respond to my clicks

Ever since integrating this cropping effect ( to my gallery images, I've encountered an issue - the hover state is missing and I can't click on the images either. Although the pointer cursor appears when I hover over them, clicking on the images does not trigger the expected action. How can I go about resolving this problem?


<div id="thumbsWrapper">
<div id="content">

<p class="crop">
<img src="image1.jpg" alt="image1.jpg"/></p>
<p class="crop">        
<img src="image2.jpg" alt="image2.jpg"/></p>
<p class="crop"> 
<img src="image1.jpg" alt="image1.jpg"/></p>

<div class="placeholder"></div>
<div id="panel">
<div id="wrapper">
<a id="prev"></a>
<a id="next"></a>


margin:.5em 10px .5em 0;
overflow:hidden; /* this is important */
position:relative; /* this is important too */
border:1px solid #ccc;
.crop img{
#content img{
margin:5px 0px 5px 5px;
#panel img{
border:1px solid #000;
-moz-box-shadow:0px 0px 10px #111;
-webkit-box-shadow:0px 0px 10px #111;
box-shadow:0px 0px 10px #111;

Relevant JS:

$(function() {
/* this is the index of the last clicked picture */
var current = -1;
/* number of pictures */
var totalpictures = $('#content img').size();
/* speed to animate the panel and the thumbs wrapper */
var speed   = 500;

/* show the content */

when the user resizes the browser window,
the size of the picture being viewed is recalculated;
$(window).bind('resize', function() {
    var $picture = $('#wrapper').find('img');

when hovering a thumb, animate it's opacity
for a cool effect;
when clicking on it, we load the corresponding large image;
the source of the large image is stored as
the "alt" attribute of the thumb image
$('#content > img').hover(function () {
    var $this   = $(this);
},function () {
    var $this   = $(this);
    var $this   = $(this);

    /* shows the loading icon */

    $('<img alt="">').load(function(){
        if($('#wrapper').find('img').length) return;
        current     = $this.index();
        var $theImage   = $(this);
        After it's loaded we hide the loading icon
        and resize the image, given the window size;
        then we append the image to the wrapper

        /* make its opacity animate */

        /* and finally slide up the panel */

Answer №1

It appears that the issue lies in the selector you are using to target your image tags. The child selector you are currently using only selects direct children of the element, as outlined in the documentation. Since it seems you have wrapped your images in p tags for the cropping effect, the selector is no longer able to locate the images.

You may want to try updating your code as shown below:

$('#content img').hover(function () {
    var $this = $(this);
    $this.stop().animate({'opacity': '1.0'}, 200);

Keep in mind that this will target all elements that are descendants of the content div, as explained in the documentation. Depending on your specific needs, you may want to use a more specific selector.

Additionally, providing a functional fiddle showcasing the problem would greatly assist in troubleshooting.

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