The image showcases interactive hover effects that resemble a button popping up

Welcome to my HTML code showcase:

               <div class="container"> 
                <a target="_self" href="flower_gallery.htm">
                <img  data-src="holder.js/180x180" style="height:20%;width:100%;float:left;"
                src="../images/profile-pic.jpg" alt="Flower">
               </a><p class="description">Beautiful flower picture</p>

CSS Styling:

 #container .description {

#container:hover .description {

This image represents the main profile picture on my webpage. When hovering over the image, a button and additional text with opacity are displayed, offering options like editing the profile picture. This functionality can be achieved using jQuery.

See the live demo Here

Answer №1


 #wrapper .text {


 .wrapper .text {

Also, change

#wrapper:hover .text {


.wrapper:hover .text {

wrapper should be a class, not an id. Remember, id is represented with # and class is represented with .

Answer №2

You can create a similar effect using opacity and CSS3 Transitions. Check out this Fiddle for an example.


<div class="container"> 
  <a target="_blank" href="klematis_big.htm">
    <img  data-src="holder.js/180x180" style="height:20%;width:100%;float:left;"
  src="../goyal/profile-pic.jpg" alt="Klematis"/>
  <p class="description">Text Text Text ...</p>


.container .description {
  transition: opacity 0.3s linear;
  -moz-transition: opacity 0.3s linear;
  -webkit-transition: opacity 0.3s linear;

.container:hover .description {

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