The image is not staying within the boundaries of its containing div and is being pushed outside

Calling all geniuses! The Nobel Prize awaits the one who can unravel the mystery of why the second image is being pushed outside its containing div.

I followed what I thought was a simple set-up:

<div class="outerdiv" id="headerbox">
    <div id="uwlogo">
        <img src="uwlogo.png" height="50px"\>
    <div id="JaminWEB">
    <div id="rainer">
        <img src="rainer.jpg" height="50px"\>

accompanied by the appropriate CSS code

    float: left;

    float: center;
    float: right;
    color: #FFF;
    font-weight: 400;
    text-align: center;
    margin: auto;
    padding: auto;

Here's the JFiddle link, just in case:

Answer №1

There are several reasons why this issue is occurring:

  1. The use of float: center is not valid, so it does not cause the element to float.
  2. Your #JaminWeb element is set to 100% width, which causes the third floating (rainer) element to wrap and float to the right on the next line.
  3. The height of your headerBox is fixed at 50px, and using float does not affect those dimensions, making it appear as if it is floating outside its container.

To resolve this, I recommend using absolute positioning instead of floating. This will allow your JaimenWEB div to be centered and take up the full width, while still allowing the logos to be placed around it.

    width: 80%;
    height: 50px;
    position: relative;
    position: absolute;
    left: 5px;
    top: 5px;

    text-align: center;
    position: absolute;
    right: 5px;
    top: 5px;

I have made updates to your fiddle here:

Answer №2

Check This Out!

<div id="newlogo">
        <img src="newlogo.png" height="50px" />
<div id="mountain">
        <img src="mountain.jpg" height="50px" />
<div id="CodeMaster">

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