The iFrame is set to a standard width of 300 pixels, with no specific styling to dictate the size

My current challenge involves utilizing the iframe-resizer package to adjust the size of an iframe dynamically based on its content.

However, even before attempting any dynamic resizing, I encounter a fundamental issue with the basic iframe: it stubbornly remains consistent at a width of 300px. Regardless of the content inserted into the iframe, it steadfastly maintains a width of 300px. It neither adjusts nor overflows; if content exceeds 300px, it is hidden, and if it is smaller, the iframe still occupies 300px.

EDIT: To clarify, my dilemma revolves around desiring to alter the width of a cross-domain iframe dynamically, but it constantly displays at 300px without alteration. While I have successfully managed dynamic height adjustments using the iframe-resizer package, the same approach does not seem to apply to width changes.

In the parent site, I embed the iframe in this manner:

<script type="text/javascript"
    src="<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="f39ac5c1d0dcc49ca3bfbdd1ccc4c799e2ecff">[email protected]</a>/js/iframeResizer.min.js">
<script type="text/javascript">
    var i = new URLSearchParams("openWidget"); document.write('<iframe id="inlineFrameExample" title="Inline Frame Example" style="position: fixed; zIndex: 1000; bottom: 0; right: 0" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://localhost:3001?openWidget=' + i + '"></iframe>');
    window.iFrameResize({ log: true }, '#inlineFrameExample')

Within the content of my framed site, I implement the following elements and styles:

    <div className="App" id="App2">
      {openWidget && <div className="button">OK</div>}
      {showMessage && <section>This is a message</section>}
        <button className="button" onClick={() => setShowMessage(!showMessage)}>
        <button className="button" onClick={() => setOpenWidget(!openWidget)}>
          {openWidget ? "-" : "+"}

.App {
  text-align: center;
  float: right;

.container {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: flex-end;
  float: right;

section {
  background-color: mediumseagreen;
  color: white;
  width: 500px;

.button {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  background-color: mediumseagreen;
  color: white;
  text-align: center;
  float: right;

Please note that there are no specifications enforcing a 300px width within this code block. Other widths are defined, but the iframe seems to disregard them entirely, remaining fixed at 300px.

I also created two code sandboxes and embedded one site within the other via an iframe. Regrettably, the iframe is concealed for unknown reasons, but upon inspection seeking the iFrame with id="inlineFrameExample" (disregard CodeSandbox's button iframe), you will observe that it indeed retains a width of 300px: The source code for the parent site can be accessed here: And for the framed site, follow this link:

UPDATE: Despite removing all CSS styling from both the parent and framed sites, the 300px width constraint persists. Reference to the CSS specifications reveals default conditions under which the width defaults to 300px. However, I am unable to ascertain how to bypass these conditions to prevent the application of the 300px rule.

The ultimate objective is to enable the iframe to resize proportionate to its width. The existing setup functions flawlessly with regards to height adjustment, yet a similar resolution for width elasticity remains elusive due to certain inherent constraints pertaining to iframes: What I seek is guidance on what styling or attribute could subvert these restrictions, allowing the width to behave with the same fluidity as the height (completely dynamic).

Answer №1

By default, the iframe-resizer does not resize the width of the iframe on its own. You must specifically set it using the sizeWidth option.

  log: false,
  sizeWidth: true,
  checkOrigin: false,
  widthCalculationMethod: "rightMostElement",
  heightCalculationMethod: "lowestElement"
}, "#myFrame");
body { background-color: wheat;}
iframe { border: 3px dashed green; }
span { font-size: 1.5rem;}
<script type="text/javascript" src="<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="137a7561727e763e6176607a69766153273d213d2222">[email protected]</a>/js/iframeResizer.min.js"></script>

<div>The iframe below will automatically grow!</div>
<iframe id="myFrame" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe>

The content within the iframe is animated, adjusting the width and height based on the specified calculation methods. The dimensions are updated during animation start and end events by iframe-resizer.
Additionally, the source of the iframe originates from codesandbox, with the parent document being this StackOverflow answer page. Hence, we also need to include checkOrigin: false.

Note: We had to disable logging (log: false) due to rapid animations generating excessive logs in the console.

You have the ability to provide your own size calculations from within the iframe.ref:

      window.iFrameResizer = {
        widthCalculationMethod: function () {
          return document.querySelector(".one").clientWidth;

In the following demonstration, the iframe resizes precisely to the width of the green box.

  log: false,
  sizeWidth: true,
  checkOrigin: false,
  widthCalculationMethod: "rightMostElement",
  heightCalculationMethod: "lowestElement"
}, "#myFrame");
body { background-color: wheat;}
iframe { border: 3px dashed green; }
span { font-size: 1.5rem;}
<script type="text/javascript" src="<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="2c454a5e4d4149015e495f4556495e6c18021e021d1d">[email protected]</a>/js/iframeResizer.min.js"></script>

<div>The following iframe grows automatically</div>
<iframe id="myFrame" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe>

For better understanding, refer to the implementation of custom.html. A similar approach can be implemented for heightCalculationMethod.

Answer №2

Not quite grasping the question here. It seems like you have developed an App and a corresponding page. Are you looking to use an iframe on the page to display your App, with the iframe automatically adjusting to the size of the app? Am I understanding this correctly?

One possible solution could involve utilizing JavaScript. You can extract the content from the iframe, search for the class 'App' within the content, and then set the width of your iframe accordingly.

const iframe = document.querySelector("#inlineFrameExample");
const iWindow = iframe.contentWindow;
const iDocument = iWindow.document;
const iElement = iDocument.querySelector(".App"); =;

An issue with this approach is that it requires execution after the iframe content has fully loaded. Be sure to implement a timer, delay, promise, or similar method to wait for this event. Additionally, if you wish to conceal the resizing process from visitors, consider initially setting the iframe's visibility to hidden and then adding 'visibility: visible' to the end of the script above.

Answer №3

Hello @crevulus, it's important to note that the content inside an iframe does not affect the dimensions of its parent iframe by design.

In general, when the width and height of an "iframe" element are not explicitly defined in HTML, browsers typically apply a default size of 300x150px during the parsing of incoming HTML and building the DOM. This default sizing helps with layout consistency unless specific dimensions are specified.

Browsers require the dimensions of visible elements on a page to be either predeclared using attributes like "width" and "height," through CSS rules, or calculated based on standard defaults (for example, if a "div" element has no set dimensions but its neighbors do, its width will be determined by the available horizontal space between them).

To override the default sizing for an iframe, you can declare initial values using attributes or CSS rules tailored to your needs, such as:

<iframe id="frame1" width="100%" height="250px" />

or via CSS:

#frame1 {
  width: 100%;
  height: 250px;
<iframe id="frame1" />

To further manipulate the iframe dimensions dynamically, JavaScript can be used to adjust the width and height based on content requirements.

While working on a project involving TinyMCE editor within Magento admin backend, I encountered challenges due to the outdated version of TinyMCE being used. Despite limitations, I managed to customize the editor's dimensions to match the frontend CMS pages for better usability.

If you have any questions or need more details on this process, feel free to ask!

Answer №4

The silver lining

If the webpage loaded within the iframe shares the same domain as yours, you have a chance to determine its initial state by incorporating an onload attribute to the iframe, accessing the contentWindow, conducting measurements, and applying them on your main page. However, if the content is from a different origin, things get a bit trickier.

A glimmer of possibility

While direct access to the iframe content may not be possible, the content inside could notify you of certain events through messaging. By adding an event listener for message type events with the specific origin, you might catch important updates. More details can be found here:

If the site doesn't send messages during key events, there are still ways forward.

The discouraging facts

Mainstream browsers deter running Javascript from other origins due to security implications. For instance, preventing third-party sites from tampering with crucial data like cookies is imperative for safeguarding sensitive transactions.

A ray of hope

It might be viable to deduce the current status of the iframe content through available API functions or similar tools offering insights about your situation. If information leaks concerning activities inside the iframe, say button clicks, regularly polling this source can help adapt your view accordingly.

Inevitable truths

In most cases, the answer to your query is NO, mainly because of security protocols in place.

While some situational workarounds may exist, they're typically rare since many websites don't support external usage within iframes. Should such solutions prove elusive, reaching out to the website owner showcased in the iframe could be considered to seek their cooperation. Otherwise, coming to terms with limited options might be necessary. Still want more insights? Keep reading.

Last resort

If resolving this matter is absolutely vital, here's a potential avenue:

  • Create a separate page under the same domain as your primary one.
  • From the browser's perspective, both your main page and the iframe share identical domains, enabling communication via Javascript.
  • This new page will load the desired site previously displayed in the iframe, without nesting another iframe but just altering its src.
  • Add JavaScript functionalities for precise measurements.
  • Be sure to adjust resource URLs, converting relative links into absolute ones.

Though this method might suffice, it requires manual adjustments each time the embedded site undergoes changes, making it cumbersome.

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