The ideal choice for a default background image in terms of style and dimensions

I'm using this code to set a background image for my website.

  background: url('path_to_image');
  background-size: 100%;

I find that the background-size property works well for handling different screen sizes.

I'm creating a blue abstract image in Gimp to use as the background. What dimensions would work best for the most common screen size (in pixels) and what image format should I export it in?

Here is an example of a background image I tested:

The most commonly reported screen size by browsers seems to be:


Answer №1

If 1366x768 is the most common screen resolution these days, then it sounds like a solid choice. When choosing the file type for your image, consider using .jpg for images with gradients and subtle details, or .png (or .gif) for images with solid shapes and no anti-aliasing, like pixel-art. Remember to balance both quality and file size when exporting your image!

Opting for an abstract image as your background is a smart move to avoid issues with stretching in unintended resolutions when using background-size:100%. This could prevent awkward distortions that may occur with more figurative pictures!

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