The HTML Email Template fails to incorporate certain CSS styles

When attempting to create an HTML Email template that includes a button with a link and has a maximum width with consistent margins on both sides, I encountered some issues. While certain parts of the CSS were applied correctly, others were not displaying as intended. For instance, the button's background color and font color appeared fine, but there was no padding on the background and text decorations remained visible.

A similar problem arose when trying to set a maximum width for the entire email template with equal left and right margins. The width would be set correctly, but the margins would not adjust accordingly.

These discrepancies only occurred when viewing the email in clients rather than web browsers. Inline CSS was used exclusively, and the layout was coded within a table structure.

The code snippet used for the button is as follows:

<h1> <a style="background-color: #8c30ff; color:white; text-decoration: none; padding: 0.5em" href=""> Join now </a></h1>

An attempt was made to define the maximum width using the following styling:

<table style="margin-bottom: 80px; margin-top: 80px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 620px; align-content: ">

Answer №1

Email clients vary in their support for different HTML and CSS features. For detailed information on the level of support across email clients, you can visit Can I email.

Support for max-width and margin can be inconsistent, especially in versions of The Outlooks on Windows. Outlook on Windows has only started supporting max-width since Outlook 2016. Additionally, margin with auto values is not supported at all in Outlook on Windows, requiring the use of tables with HTML attributes like align="center".

If you're looking for examples of how to implement button code in emails, check out this resource by email developer Mark Robbins: . You can also try using this generator by Campaign Monitor:

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