The GitHub Pages website is not displaying exactly like it does when running locally with a live server

Currently in the process of creating a compact website where users can input an anagram and receive all potential words that can be formed from it. Additionally, upon receiving these words, there is an option to click on one for its definitions.

The site operates smoothly when utilizing live server locally; however, encountering issues arise once the repository is deployed using GitHub Pages.

Locally, when entering a word (for example, "acres"), the site accurately displays all possible words generated by the anagram. Conversely, GitHub Pages fails to produce the same results. The script.js file contains all logic necessary for finding viable words by reading a dictionary.txt file and sifting through words to identify those formable by the anagram. Moreover, this JavaScript file manages retrieving word definitions from an external dictionary API and integrating the data into the main HTML file.

Displayed below is the script.js file. Apologies if it appears disorganized! Admittedly, I am relatively new to coding JavaScript for frontend development. For reference, the index.html and style.css files are provided, as potential issues may lie within them.

[Your rewritten content here]
... [Additional code snippets included] ...

Access the GitHub Pages link here.

I have attached screenshots displaying the differing outcomes when inputting "acres" as the anagram:

  • GitHub Pages screenshot
  • Live Server screenshot

Find the direct link to the GitHub repository here.

An oversight seems to prevent identical functionality between the local and deployed versions. Can anyone pinpoint what might be overlooked?

Answer №1

After carefully examining the dictionary that is returned (with words separated by line breaks), I couldn't understand the rationale behind removing the last character of each word in the word array:

for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
   words[i] = words[i].slice(0,-1);

Upon closer inspection, I noticed that this code snippet was causing multiple repetitions of letters 'a', 'b', 'c'... 'z' to be inserted into the word array when typing the letter 'a'. This unintended consequence might be affecting the accuracy of finding anagrams.

In my opinion, it seems unnecessary to include this code. Removing it seems to yield the expected results based on my observations.

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