The Functionality of JQuery Dropdowns

Just dipping my toes into the world of JQuery.. only about 2 hours in. Started working on a drop-down menu for a login box that looks like this: HTML:

<button id="loginButton">Login</button> 

When you hover over the button, this JQuery function is triggered:

$('#loginButton').on('mouseover', function() {

function displayLoginBox(){

$('#loginButton').on('mouseout', function() {

function hideLoginBox(){

Following that, an HTML DIV element appears directly under the button:

<div id="loginBox">                
<label for="email_B">Email Address</label>
<input type="text" name="email_B" id="email_B" />
<label for="password">Password</label>
<input type="password_B" name="password_B" id="password_B" />
<input type="submit" id="login" value="Sign in" />
<label for="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" id="checkbox" />Remember me</label>
<span><a href="#">Forgot your password?</a></span>

The CSS styling for this DIV is as follows:

#loginBox {

Although it functions, the behavior isn't optimal. How can I ensure that the login box remains visible even when the mouse hovers inside it, and only fades away once the mouse leaves the box?

Apologies if my code isn't great. Appreciate any help!

--------------------------------EDITS AKA the ANSWERS-------------------- For those who come across this in the future, there are various ways to achieve the desired interaction based on user preferences.

Here's one approach...where the login box disappears only when the mouse exits the login button. This quick fix is credited to elclanrs, make sure to upvote their answer below if you find it helpful.




<div id="loginBox">                
<label for="email_B">Email Address</label>
<input type="text" name="email_B" id="email_B" />
<label for="password">Password</label>
<input type="password_B" name="password_B" id="password_B" />
<input type="submit" id="login" value="Sign in" />
<label for="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" id="checkbox" />Remember me</label>
<span><a href="#">Forgot your password?</a></span>


#loginBox {

Another option is to add a cancel button as suggested by Jared Farrish here: If you find his solution helpful, don't forget to give him an upvote below!!

I'm currently working on WAY 3, aiming for a more user-friendly and visually appealing solution. Will update once I have it functioning smoothly!

Answer №1

Here's a handy tip for creating a hover effect using jQuery. Instead of using the live method, you can achieve the same result with a standard hover event handler:

$('#loginButton').hover(function() {
}), function(){

The key here is to trigger the mouse out effect as soon as the mouse moves off the button, making the menu disappear when it enters the login box.

To handle the hover effect on a containing element, ensure that #loginButton and #loginBox are within a parent element like this:

<div id="loginControl">
   <button id="loginButton">Login</button> 
   <div id="loginBox">...</div>

Then attach the event to the loginButton's parent:

$('#loginButton').parent().hover(function() { ... }), function(){ ... });

If using absolute positioning on #loginBox, make sure to set position: relative on its parent (#loginControl):

#loginControl{ position: relative; }

For a more advanced option, consider implementing a simple timeout to prevent the dropdown from hiding immediately if the user accidentally moves their mouse off the dropdown. You can find the code for this on my Github page:

Answer №2


(Additional UPDATE: implemented a timeout function to hide the login form after only a mouseover on the show login element, along with other enhancements.)

Despite my reservations about using mouseenter and mouseout to manage a login form from a usability standpoint, here is a code snippet that illustrates what Jim Jeffers mentioned and seeks to address some of the drawbacks of this approach:

var setuplogindisplay = function(){
    var $loginbox = $('#loginBox'),
        $loginshow = $('#loginShow'),
        $logincontainer = $('#loginContainer'),
        $cancellogin = $('#cancelLogin'),

    var keepDisplay = function(){
        keeptimeout = setTimeout(loginHide, 2000);

    var loginDisplay = function(){
        if ($':hidden')) {

    var loginHide = function(){
        if ($':visible')) {
            if (!$(this).is('#cancelLogin')) {
                closetimeout = setTimeout(function(){
                }, 1500);
            } else {

    function clearAllTimeouts() {
        if (keeptimeout) {
        if (closetimeout) {



Keep in mind that you need to account for the fact that mouseout events will trigger when hovering over elements within the #logincontrol element. To handle this, I have them call loginDisplay() on the mouseenter event (it will work on mouseout, but it's more logical on mouseenter).

Remember to prioritize the usability of the form when designing its accessibility and avoid making it overly complex or convoluted. Consider:

<input type="button" id="cancelLogin" value="Cancel" />

Use this button to close/hide the form instead of triggering an action on another element. If you link the form closure action to an event like mouseout, users could be frustrated when accidentally moving the mouse out of the way and finding the login form closed as a result. The form should have the control that triggers the hiding event based on the user's choice.

<span id="loginButton">Show Login</span>
<div id="loginBox">                
    <label for="email_B">Email Address</label>
    <input type="text" name="email_B" id="email_B" />
    <label for="password">Password</label>
    <input type="password_B" name="password_B" id="password_B" />
    <input type="submit" id="login" value="Sign in" />
    <input type="button" id="cancelLogin" value="Cancel" />
    <label for="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" id="checkbox" />Remember me</label>
    <span><a href="#">Forgot your password?</a></span>

    var $loginbox = $('#loginBox'),
        $button = $('#loginButton'),
        $cancellogin = $('#cancelLogin');

    var loginDisplay = function(){

    var loginHide = function(){


Answer №3

If you're looking to save time, I suggest checking out a helpful jQuery plugin such as hoverintent. It can simplify much of the coding process for you.

Also worth noting is that in jQuery v1.8 and onwards, .live() is no longer being supported and should be replaced with .on().

Answer №4

Here's a more efficient solution that eliminates the need for outdated functions like live(). Instead, you can use on() for better performance. Also, there is no need to complicate things with unnecessary functions when using fadeIn() and fadeOut():

$('#loginButton').hover(function(){ $('#loginBox').fadeIn(); }, function(){ $(this).fadeOut(); });

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