The functionality of Foundation's 12 grid system is not functioning correctly

Check out the code snippet below:

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<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>

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My goal is to have 3 to 9 grids on the page, but the second column is nesting inside the first. Here's an image for reference:

Why is this happening? I specifically want the second column to be in its own place.

Possible Solutions Attempted

#1: Reduce the Second Column Size

I tried shrinking the second column to 8 grids, and it now works perfectly. It's odd though, as this makes the total grid count 11.

Environment Details

  • Foundation 5.5.3

Answer №1

The code functions properly in the CodePen example with your provided code. Possible conflicts may arise from custom code implementation.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>

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Answer №2

I think the issue lies in the fact that columns should typically be enclosed within rows, but in your case you have column>row>column structure. To resolve this, try using the .hide-for-small-only class along with .hide-for-medium-up to achieve the desired outcome.

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