The functionality of filtering a list based on the selected value from a drop-down menu is malfunctioning

When the page initially loads, there is a dropdown with the default placeholder "Select Person Type" and a checkbox list displaying all persons by default.

An angular filter is used to display only the selected type of persons from the dropdown (working perfectly). However, when the placeholder "Select Person Type" is chosen after filtering, the checkbox list becomes empty.

<select class="form-control" id="personId" data-ng-model="personModel.personTypeID" name="selectPersonType"
           ng-options="person.personTypeUniqueID as person.personTypeEn for person in personTypes | orderBy:'personTypeEn' ">
            <option value="">Select person type</option><br></select><div ng-repeat="person in persons|orderBy:'name'|filter: { personTypeID: personModel.PersonTypeID }|filter:searchperson" style="display:flex;padding-left:5px"><
            <input style="min-width:13px !important;" class="checkbox" id={{person.personUniqueId}} type="checkbox" ng-checked="selectedOptionPerson.indexOf(person.personUniqueId)> -1" ng-click="toggleSelection($event)" ng-model="option.optionPersonModel[$index]">{{}}

The issue may be occurring because the filtering is based on PersonTypeID which the placeholder does not have. Is there a way to display the entire list of persons when the placeholder is selected again?

To clarify, I want to show all persons after selecting the placeholder following filtering by person type.

Thank you for your assistance and any suggestions are appreciated.

Answer №1

To implement this feature, utilize the ng-options directive in the select element along with a custom filter function using a predicate.

function(value, index): A predicate function can be used to create specific filters. This function is executed for each item in an array, and only items that return true are included in the final result array.

In the provided predicate function, it checks if the selected value is not null (Please Select), otherwise it verifies if the current item matches the selected value from the list.

You can see a live demonstration here

Refer to the code snippets below:


<div ng-controller="PeopleController">
    <select data-ng-options=" as employmentType.descr for employmentType in employmentTypes" data-ng-model="selectedEmploymentTypeId">
        <option value="">Please Select</option>
        <li data-ng-repeat="person in people | filter:getFilter">


controller('PeopleController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
  $scope.people = [{
      name: 'John Doe',
      employmentTypeId: 1
    }, {
      name: 'Jane Doe',
      employmentTypeId: 2
    }, {
      name: 'Santa Claus',
      employmentTypeId: 3

 $scope.employmentTypes = [{
     id: 1,
     descr: 'Permanent'
   }, {
     id: 2,
     descr: 'Temporary'
   }, {
     id: 3,
     descr: 'Casual'

 $scope.getFilter = function(value, index) {    
    if ($scope.selectedEmploymentTypeId === null || $scope.selectedEmploymentTypeId === undefined) {
        return true;
    return (value.employmentTypeId === $scope.selectedEmploymentTypeId);

Answer №2

Do not include any value within the placeholder text.

This is important because selecting a placeholder with an empty value may lead to filtering based on that empty value rather than including all persons in the filter.

Answer №3


Employ this method.

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