The function document.querySelector(".class h1")

I am currently updating my school's website and facing an issue with selecting header elements inside a div with the class "text" using the querySelector(String) function. I want to change the background, border, and text color of these headers, but the code below is not working as expected.

var test = "content.html #test"
        success : function(data)
            $("#content").load(test); //this successfully loads <div id="test"> and its contents from content.html
            document.querySelector(".content").style.backgroundColor = "#CCFFCC"; //this works fine within the main HTML file ( $(document) )
            document.querySelector(".text h1").style.backgroundColor = "#CCFFCC"; //unfortunately, this is not changing from the default CSS color
            document.querySelector(".text h1").style.color = "#003300"; //similarly, this remains the default color from the CSS

//Proper closing tags are used...

Do you have any insights into what might be going wrong? Could it be my references to the elements or perhaps because I am dynamically loading content from another file? Or could it be something different altogether?

Answer №1

Following Klaster_1's suggestion, the key is to make use of load's callback feature.

$('#content').load(test, function() {
    document.querySelector(".content").style.backgroundColor = "#CCFFCC";
    document.querySelector(".text h1").style.backgroundColor = "#CCFFCC"; 
    document.querySelector(".text h1").style.color = "#003300"; 

Klaster_1 points out that it's an asynchronous operation, meaning it happens independently from the DOM rendering. Essentially, the code styling the content will be executed before the browser finishes displaying the content on the page.

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