The front page is excessively tall, lacking any rationale for its lengthy design

I have noticed that my website, located at , is unexpectedly long. I am puzzled as to what could be causing this issue and although I know how to correct it, I am curious to find out what exactly is making the page scroll so far down.

It's quite strange!

Answer №1

The issue lies with the CSS property position: relative; applied to .megadiamond.

By using position and a negative value for top, your elements are being positioned on the page in a way that affects their height.

Consider changing them to position: absolute; so they are moved to the top without impacting the page's layout as before.

However, there may still be some residual scrollbar due to the rotation of your element causing extra space to be taken up. Adding overflow: hidden; might help alleviate this issue.

Answer №2

The 4th <div class="biggem"> causes the page to scroll down. Verify in your browser's developer tools.

Answer №3

.footer {
       border-top: 1px solid #eee;
       text-align: center;
       width: 100%;
       position: absolute;
       bottom: 10px; 
       padding: 1em;

I adjusted the bottom value to 10px from 0px to prevent the footer content from overlapping with the body in Chrome. To avoid scrolling on the page, consider setting a maximum height for your content that can be easily adjusted.

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