The form submission did not yield any results

function calculateCost()
            var projectorCost=0,price=0,quantity=0,discountPrice=0,totalCost=0;
            var modelName=document.getElementById('projectormodel').value;
            var quantity=document.getElementById('quantity').value;
            var couponCode=document.getElementById('couponcode').value;
            var res=document.getElementById('result');
            if(modelname=='Mobile Portable Projector')
                else if(couponCode='EveryCam48P'){
            if(modelName=='Lumen DLP Projector'){
                else if(couponCode='EveryCam48P'){
            document.getElementById("res").innerHTML='Your total cost is Rs.'+totalCost;
            return false;

My HTML and CSS are working fine, but the issue I'm having is with the JavaScript code. When I submit the form, it's not updating the inner HTML of the result ID as expected. I believe my JavaScript code may have some errors. Being a beginner in this language, I would appreciate any guidance on how to correct this.

Answer №1

There may be an issue with this code snippet:

var res=document.getElementById('result');
It should be corrected to:
var res=document.getElementById('result').value;
if you need the value. For retrieving inner HTML, use
var res=document.getElementById('result').innerHTML
or include your HTML file for clearer context.

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