The final row of a Bootstrap table located in a particular column

I am working on a customized calendar design that features various styling elements:

One of the requirements for this calendar is to highlight today's date with a specific border. To achieve this, I need to target the last row in the column corresponding to today's date and apply border-bottom: 1px solid red; to it.

The SCSS code snippet below illustrates how I have styled the table. Specifically, I aim to add a bottom border of 1px solid red to the last row within the column where the td element has the class .client-today (but only for the last row).

.calendar-table {
    // CSS properties
<table class="calendar-table table-bordered table-hover">
            <th ng-class="{'today':}" ng-repeat="day in $ctrl.days track by $index">
        <tr dir-paginate="item in $ctrl.calendar | itemsPerPage: $ctrl.pageSize track by $index " total-items="$ctrl.totalItems">
            <td style="position: relative" ng-click="$ctrl.openEvent(day)" ng-class="{ 'checked': day.checked, 'is-switch' : day.isSwitch, 'client-today': }" ng-repeat="day in item.calendar track by $index">
                <div ng-if="day.attendantName" class="attendant-name">{{day.attendantName}}</div>
                <i ng-if="day.isSwitch" class="fa fa-car" aria-hidden="true"></i>

Answer №1

To target the last child element in a table row, you can utilize the last-child CSS selector.

tbody tr:last-child .client-today {
  border-bottom: 1px solid red;

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