The fadeOut() method is currently only functioning on the initial item

Recently, I've been experimenting with jQuery and I decided to create a simple to-do list application. However, I encountered an issue with my code. When I check an item that is not the first item on the list, the fadeOut() function does not work properly. Strangely enough, after checking the first item, it starts functioning correctly for all other items. It's worth mentioning that the first item was preloaded and not dynamically added like the rest of the items. Additionally, if I check off all items and then try to add a new one, the functionality stops working!

var main = function() {

    var addComment = function() {

        var $card;
        var $cardBody;
        var $formCheck;
        var $formCheckLabel;

        if($("#comment").val() !== "") {

            $card = $("<div>").addClass("card bg-success text-white mt-3");
            $cardBody = $("<div>").addClass("card-body");
            $formCheck = $("<div>").addClass("form-check");
            $formCheckLabel = $("<label>").addClass("form-check-label");

            $($formCheckLabel).append('<input type = "checkbox" class="form-check-input shift">');





    var remove = function() {
        $(".card").on("click", function(event) {

    $("#btn").on("click", function(event) {

    $("#comment").on("keypress", function (event) {
        if (event.keyCode === 13) {

    $(".card").on("click", function(event) {


Answer №1

Here is an alternative approach:

Consider making the following adjustments:

let hideCard = function() {
    $(".card").on("click", function(event) {

$(".card").on("click", function(event) {

instead, you can use:

$(document).on("click", ".card", function(event) {

Answer №2

$(".card").on("click", function(event) {

This particular code line is responsible for connecting the remove function to the "click" event of the first existing .card you specified. Whenever this card is clicked, the remove function will be triggered which then assigns the fadeOut() function to all current .cards (including newly created ones). However, any additional cards added afterwards will not have the event binding since they were not present when the initial call was made.

To improve functionality, consider updating the remove() function like so:

function remove(event){

Remember to retain the original .on("click"... statement at the end of your main function to bind with existing cards, as well as integrate the binding into the addComment() code so that every new comment understands how to handle the event.


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