The fade animation on my modal is causing issues in Windows 10

Hi everyone, I've created a bootstrap modal with the fade CSS class.

If you want to see what I'm referring to, you can check it out here: MyProject

Let me break it down for you step by step.

Initially, this page functions as follows (it's quite simple): the client will click on the small alert modal, which is visible in the link of my project provided above MyProject. After the client clicks, a modal like the one pictured here will appear:

If you're unable to view this modal after clicking the button, it may be due to your Windows settings (specifically, performance settings). By right-clicking on this pc (my computer) and then selecting properties as shown here:

Subsequently, clicking on Advanced system setting in the new window presented will lead you to the following prompt:

In this new window, if you select setting under the performance section, you'll reach the final part I mentioned, depicted here:

Upon clicking on setting, you'll enter the Performance option window where, in the Visual Effects section, there are 4 options available. Opting for Adjust best appearance enables you to view the modal, while choosing Adjust best performance will render the modal non-visible.

Pictured example of the Performance option:

What I am seeking to achieve is a solution that prevents the modal from not working when some clients have selected the adjust best performance option.

Answer №1

Discovered that opacity was the main issue causing the problem, as shown in the reference provided.


Delete the fade class from your modal element and then execute this script:

$('.modal').on('', function () {

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