The error message being thrown is: "Cannot access the 'top' property of an undefined value with the offset().top-500 method."

As a beginner in testing, I encountered a console error on my page while scrolling. The error message displayed was:


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'top' of undefined

at main.js:18
at dispatch (jquery-1.9.js:3)
at v.handle (jquery-1.9.js:3)

I attempted to resolve the issue by changing the selector to a variable, but the error persisted. I believe I need to thoroughly search the entire page for corrections, but I am struggling to identify them within my main.js file.

Visionmax v 1.0
Available on ThemeForest -
Author: NasirWd -

/*global $:false */

  "use strict";
      $("#nav-sticky").sticky({ topSpacing: 0 });
/* Home page solid features animation*/
$(window).scroll(function(){ // scroll event 
    var windowTop = $(window).scrollTop(); // returns number
    var nav=$('.solid-visuals');
    var solid_action = nav.offset().top-500;
    if (windowTop >= solid_action)
        $('.solid-iphone,.solid-imac').addClass('animated fadeInUp');


  /*Smooth scrolling*/

  $(document).ready(function() {

//    $("html").niceScroll();  // The document page (html)



$(function(){var nice=$(":nicescroll").getNiceScroll(0);$("#div1").html($("#div1").html()+' '+nice.version+' ($:'+$().jquery+')'})

  /*Home page showcase javascript*/

        $(window).on("resize", function () {

        var etwrapper_height= $('.show-case-visual img').height();

        var etwrapper_basic_height= $('.folio-visual').height();

        var showcase_hover= $('.show-case-visual img').width();


        var $container = $('.masonry-container');
          itemSelector: '.post-unit'


    /*Flicker plugin*/

        limit: 6,
        qstrings: {
            /*add your id below*/
            id: '52617155@N08'
        itemTemplate: '<li><a href="{{image_b}}"><img alt="{{title}}" src="{{image_s}}" /></a></li>'

    /*Twitter plugin*/
        /*add your username below*/
        username: 'envato', 
        time: true,
        rotate: true,
        speed: 4000, 
        limit: 4,
        replies: false,
        position: 'append',
        loading: 'loading...' ,
        failed: "Sorry, twitter is currently unavailable for this user.",
        html5: true

    /*Testimonial slider*/
            animation: "slide",
            directionNav: false,
            controlNav: true,
            pauseOnHover: true, 
            slideshow: false,
            direction: "horizontal", //Direction of slides

    /*Flex blog slider*/

    animation: "slide",
    controlNav: false,

    /*Flex slider*/

    animation: "slide"

    /*Light Box*/
$(document).ready(function() {

/*Footer icons*/ 

        $(this).addClass('animated tada');
        $(this).removeClass('animated tada');

Please assist me in resolving this error...

Answer №1

Make sure to verify the presence of the element before applying the 'top' attribute using this method.

let visuals = $('.solid-visuals');
if (visuals.length) {
 let solid_position = visuals.offset().top-500;

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