The "else" statement is never being executed

Trying to create a form where users enter their first name, last name, and city. If any input is empty or contains numbers, a message should appear requesting to fill out all boxes without numbers. Otherwise, display a personalized quote using the input information. However, the else statement is not functioning as expected.

I attempted to modify the code and switch some variables around.

function FillInfo()
         /* variables */
         var firstName = document.forms["SignUpForm"]["firstName"].value;
         var lastName = document.forms["SignUpForm"]["lastName"].value;
         var city = document.forms["SignUpForm"]["city"].value;
         /* Check if input fields are empty or contain numbers */
         if(firstName=="" || !isNaN(firstName) || lastName=="" ||  !isNaN(lastName) || city=="" || !isNaN(city){  

            document.getElementById("info").innerHTML = "Please fill out all available boxes and ensure no numbers are included";    

            document.getElementById("info").innerHTML =  "Thank you" + " " + firstName + " " + lastName + " from" + " " + city + "." + " " + "You are now being considered as our next adventurer. Good luck!";
<div class="heading2">
        <div class="container2">
            <p>Ready for a space travel adventure? Fill out our form!</p><br>
            <form name="SignUpForm">
                <input type="text" name="firstName" placeholder="First name" required><br>
                <input type="text" name="lastName" placeholder="Last name" required><br>
                <input type="text" name="city" placeholder="City" required><br><br>
                <div id="info" class="well"></div>
                <input type="button" class="otherpage" onclick="FillInfo();" value="Submit" /><br><br>
                <a href="Homepage.html" class="BeginLink">Go back</a>

Answer №1

Your conditional statement needs to be adjusted as it currently always resolves to true.

Instead of:

if (jmeno=="" || jmeno!=NaN || prijmeni=="" ||  prijmeni!= NaN || mesto=="" || mesto!=NaN) {

You should consider using:

if (jmeno==="" || isNaN(jmeno) || prijmeni==="" || isNaN(prijmeni) || mesto==="" || isNaN(mesto)) {

Keep in mind that NaN is never equal to NaN, so you should utilize isNaN instead.

However, the current code does not fit your actual requirements. You aim to verify the absence of number values, correct? Depending on whether you want to disallow any numbers or number-only entries, adjustments are necessary. For instance: use !isNaN(Number(jmeno)) to ascertain if the entry is a number-only value. Since data from text inputs is in string format, conversion becomes essential.

Answer №2

Your reasoning is flawed

name=="" || name!=NaN

This will always result in true, it seems like you intended

name=="" || isNaN(name)

Of course, the rest of the statement requires adjustments as well.

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