The dynamic ID stops functioning once a row is deleted from the table

I have a table with feeSetting id containing dynamic data. I am able to add and remove rows from the table. The issue arises when a row is removed and a new row is added, as it overrides the unique ID of the last row. I need the table to generate unique IDs while still maintaining the dynamic add and remove functionality. Below is the code snippet for adding a row:

<table id="feeSetting">

     function AddRow() {
            var index = 0;
            if ($("#feeSetting tbody tr").length > 0) {
                  index = $("#feeSetting tbody tr").length;

            $("#feeSetting tbody").append("<tr class='gradeX'>"
                + "<td class='col-md-3'><input type='text' value='' class='form-control validate[required,custom[number]] text-input txtFromDay' id='eFromDay'/></td>"
                + "<td class='col-md-3'><input type='text' class='form-control validate[required,custom[number],min[1]] text-input txtValue' value='' id='eValue-" + index + "'/></td>"
                + "<td class='col-md-4'>"
                + "<div id='loadTypes-" + index + "'  class='typeValidation'></div></td>"
                + "<td class='col-md-2'><input type='button' class='btn btn-danger btn-sm' value='Remove'/></td>"
                + "</tr>");
            renderPartialInDiv('@Url.Action("GetValidationTypeDropDown", "FeeFineSetting")?strDDName=eValidationTypeList-' + index + '&intDDID=0&intValidationID=1', '#loadTypes-' + index);

Answer №1

Consider implementing a global variable that increases its value with the addition of each new row. Here is an example code snippet:

<tablen id="feeSetting ">

    //declare this variable outside the function to make it global
     var index = 0;
     function AddRow() {
            $("#feeSetting tbody").append("<tr class='gradeX'>"
                + "<td class='col-md-3'><input type='text' value='' class='form-control validate[required,custom[number]] text-input txtFromDay' id='eFromDay'/></td>"
                + "<td class='col-md-3'><input type='text' class='form-control validate[required,custom[number],min[1]] text-input txtValue' value='' id='eValue-" + index + "'/></td>"
                + "<td class='col-md-4'>"
                + "<div id='loadTypes-" + index + "' class='typeValidation'></div></td>"
                + "<td class='col-md-2'><input type='button' class='btn btn-danger btn-sm' value='  Remove '/></td>"
                + "</tr>");
            renderPartialInDiv('@Url.Action("GetValidationTypeDropDown", "FeeFineSetting")?strDDName=eValidationTypeList-' + index + '&intDDID=0&intValidationID=1', '#loadTypes-' + index);

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