The div block is shifting to the next line on Firefox

I am facing an issue with a display:block div in my CSS. This div block is using the align = "absmiddle" attribute. While all elements display in a single line in Chrome, they are moving to the next line in Firefox. How can I make them appear in one line in Firefox as well?

P.S: I have already attempted using display: inline, but it didn't solve the problem.

<div class="one"><input name="elementone" value="1" align="absmiddle" class="subone" /></div>

CSS code:, div.subone {
    display: block;
    width: 16px;
    height: 100%;
    background-position: 0 0px;
    border: 0;

Answer №1

I'm a bit confused about your goal - are you attempting to center input elements within a div?

To achieve this, simply apply text-align: center to the container div holding all the inputs (where .one is the class needing center alignment in your HTML example).

It's worth noting that there are some CSS issues present.,
div.subone { /* Note: div.subone is not referring to an input element */
display: block; /* Divs are already block elements */
width: 16px; /* The width restriction may be causing problems */
height: 100%; /* This declaration is essentially meaningless */
background-position: 0 0px; /* Default value */
border: 0;

***Please keep in mind that when wrapping multiple inline elements like inputs inside their own divs, there are alternative methods available. For example, using several divs with the .one class will display them on separate lines due to the block display set by your CSS.

Answer №2

It seems like you're asking about how to place multiple <div class="one"> elements in a single line without them wrapping to the next line. One solution could be to float them left or right, but keep in mind that they will still move to the second line if the container div's width is exceeded. Another approach might involve using a combination of white-space and overflow properties on the parent div.

Without more clarity on your specific issue, it's hard to provide a definitive answer.

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