The data labels in the main chart of a Highcharts column with drilldown appear blurry, with the exception of the columns that have been drilled

When setting up a Column Chart with Drilldown:

The main chart displayed data labels in a blurred black color. However, when clicked, the next columns that appear (the drilled down columns) are clear and easy to read (white color, no blur). I discovered a workaround by declaring:

.highcharts-drilldown-data-label TEXT { color: #FFFFFF !important; text-shadow: 0 0 0px white !important; fill: white !important }

Feel free to remove the selector above and see the result here:

Do you think this is a bug in highcharts or could it be an error on my part? I even tried changing the jQuery version with no effect.

Answer №1

(I wish I could provide feedback, but my points are lacking.)

It appears to me like a glitch. If you don't add the drilldown.js, your fiddle behaves as anticipated. I suggest focusing on the CSS for now.

Keep in mind that the fiddle won't work in Firefox unless the TEXT is in lowercase:

.highcharts-drilldown-data-label text {...}

You may consider reporting this issue at

Answer №2

Resolved with the assistance of highcharts support on github:

Refer to this example:

The issue was related to the default style, which is underlined and blue to encourage interaction. Check for more information.

Applying the following code resolved the problem for me.

drilldown: {
                activeDataLabelStyle: {
                                color: 'blue' //style to invite interaction

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