I am encountering an issue with my local site where the CSS links are not being included in the page, particularly in IE7 and IE8.
The technologies I am using include WordPress 3.6, Bootstrap 3, Modernizr, and jQuery.
Source Code
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<!--[if lt IE 7]><html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 lt-ie7"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 7]><html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 ie-7"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 8]><html class="no-js lt-ie9 ie-8"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 9]><html class="no-js lt-ie9 ie-9"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if gt IE 8]><!--><html class="no-js">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
<title><?php echo title(); ?></title>
<meta name="description" content="">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo CSS_PATH; ?>/bootstrap.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo CSS_PATH; ?>/bootstrap-theme.css"/>
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Maven+Pro:400,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo CSS_PATH; ?>/common.css"/>
<?php if(is_front_page()){ ?><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo CSS_PATH; ?>/home.css"/><?php } ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo CSS_PATH; ?>/media.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo CSS_PATH; ?>/print.css" media="print"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo JS_PATH; ?>/vendor/modernizr-2.6.2-respond-1.1.0.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">var template = '<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>';</script>
Chrome Head
IE8 Head
I suspected it might have something to do with the DOCTYPE, so I tried changing to HTML4 but the issue persists. It's worth noting that it works in IE8 Browser Mode and Document Mode as Quirks, but not in Standard Mode.