The CSS listings in the unordered list using the inline-block property are misaligned

My unordered list (ul) and list items (li) have a display set to inline-block.
Each li contains an image and a div positioned below the image.
The lis do not align in the same row when the divs vary in height.

Here is a sample image for reference:

Note: The images used here are just for testing purposes :)

Below is the CSS code:

.uldaftarartikel ul{<br/>
    list-style-type: none;margin: 0 auto;padding: 0;text-align:center;<br/>
.uldaftarartikel ul li{<br/>
    display: inline-block; margin:7px;width: 170px;height: 272px;<br/>
@media (min-width: 700px) and (max-width: 1299px){<br/>
    .uldaftarartikel ul li{width: 200px;}<br/>
@media (min-width: 1300px){<br/>
    .uldaftarartikel ul li{width: 227px;}<br/>
.uldaftarartikel ul li a{<br/>
    display: block;text-decoration: none;height: 272px;<br/>
.uldaftarartikel ul li a:hover{<br/>
    text-decoration: none;<br/>

.uldaftarartikel ul li a .gambarartikelchange{<br/>
    background-color: transparent;<br/>
.uldaftarartikel ul li a .gambarartikelchange:hover{<br/>
    background: rgb(255,241,103);<br/>
.uldaftarartikel ul li a .gambarartikelchange img{<br/>
    width: 100%;height: auto;opacity:1;transition:opacity 1.5s;height: 112px;<br/>-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;-ms-transform: translateZ(0); /* IE 9 */
    -webkit-transform: translateZ(0); /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */transform: translateZ(0);<br/>
.uldaftarartikel ul li a .gambarartikelchange img:hover{<br/>
    opacity: 0.4;<br/>
.uldaftarartikel ul li a .keterangandaftarartikel{<br/>
    color: rgb(127,71,51);transition:color 1.5s;height: 150px;padding:5px;<br/>
.uldaftarartikel ul li a .keterangandaftarartikel:hover{<br/>

Here is the HTML code snippet:

<div class="uldaftarartikel"><br/>
  <li><a href="#"><div class="gambarartikelchange"><img src="gambarartikel/1.jpg" ></div><div class="keterangandaftarartikel">fqwgegg<br/>asfagdg</div></a></li><br/>
  <li><a href="#"><div class="gambarartikelchange"><img src="gambarartikel/2.jpg" ></div><div class="keterangandaftarartikel">3yrehdfh</div></a></li><br/>
  <li><a href="#"><div class="gambarartikelchange"><img src="gambarartikel/3.jpg" ></div><div class="keterangandaftarartikel">hshfdh5fdhj</div></a></li><br/>
  <li><a href="#"><div class="gambarartikelchange"><img src="gambarartikel/4.jpg" ></div><div class="keterangandaftarartikel">4yhuredhdt</div></a></li><br/>
  <li><a href="#"><div class="gambarartikelchange"><img src="gambarartikel/1.jpg" ></div><div class="keterangandaftarartikel">fqwgegg</div></a></li><br/>
  ... Repeat pattern of list items with different content ... 

Although it may seem simple, I encountered some challenges and felt a bit overwhelmed. Thank you for your help!

Answer №1

For optimal display, apply the following CSS rule: .uldaftarartikel ul li{float:left}

Answer №2

These are the accurate responses:
1. .uldaftarartikel ul li{float:left} Thank you, HirenPatel.
2. .uldaftarartikel ul li{vertical-align:top} Thank you, MrLister.

Why am I unable to mark their response as the solution? Apologies, I am new to this forum :)
And a beginner in CSS hahahaha

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