The CSS code for adjusting width, text alignment, and margin for the <a> tag is not functioning correctly

Currently, I am only able to get color, padding, and font codes to work in my HTML. When I attempt to add width or align the text to the right, it does not seem to work.

<a href=""><b>Juventus offer Chelsea huge Dusan Vlahovic transfer discount if Todd Boehly hands over £97m star.</b></a>

In my CSS code, I have tried adjusting the width and experimenting with max-width, among other things. However, I have not been successful in making it work as intended.

Answer №1

To solve the issue, consider including the CSS property display: block. This is because a tags are typically set to display:inline by default, and inline elements do not adhere to width, height, margin, and padding rules. Alternatively, you may also explore using display: inline-block or display: inline-flex based on your specific requirements.

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