The CSS background color does not appear within a nested <DIV> element

I am struggling to make the yellow background color appear with the nested divs in three separate columns. Can someone help me figure out what I am doing wrong?

<div id="wrapper">
   <div class="rightside">
   <div class="rightside">
   <div class="rightside">

Below is my CSS:

#wrapper {

  background-color: yellow;


div.rightside {

  width: 31%;
  margin: 0 1.33333em 0 0;


Check out my code on jsfiddle:

Thank you! Cheers

Answer №1

Ensure that your wrapper div has the CSS property overflow:auto

#wrapper {
    background-color: yellow;

Check out this jsFiddle example for reference

When inner divs are floated, it can cause the wrapper div to lose its height. Adding overflow:auto brings back the expected layout behavior.

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