The content in the div is not contained within a border in the css/html

I am struggling with a div wrapper that has a border, but the border is not wrapping around the content and I can't figure out why.

Here is my issue on screen:

This is what I want it to look like:

Below is my HTML code:

<div class="event_area_table_termin">
                <div class="twelve columns">

                    <h3>Event Overview</h3>
                                <th>Start Date</th>
                                <th>End Date</th>
                            <tr><td>Osnabrueck Night Market</td><td>04/11/2014</td><td>04/18/2014</td><td>Daily</td><td>Flea, Second Hand, &amp; Fair</td><td><a href="" class="btn btn_orange" data-featherlight="#fl3" style="padding: 5px 12px;"><i class="fa fa-tint 2x" style="padding-left: 3px;"></i></a>
                                    <a href="/eventaddress/event-schedules-create.html?area_id=OnRD4sBrvHZgAy4rK4&amp;event_id=1X4JxCOwhDpD4Oj5ch&amp;func=edit_event" class="btn btn_gray" style="padding: 5px 12px;"><i class="fa fa-pencil 2x" style="padding-left: 3px;"></i></a>
                                    <a href="#" class="btn btn_gray" style="padding: 5px 12px;"><i class="fa fa-eye 2x" style="padding-left: 3px;"></i></a>
                                    <a href="#" class="btn btn_gray" style="padding: 5px 12px;"><i class="fa fa-copy 2x" style="padding-left: 3px;"></i></a>
                                    <a href="/eventaddress/my-events.html?event_id=1X4JxCOwhDpD4Oj5ch&amp;func=delete_event" class="delEvent btn btn_red" data-featherlight="#fl2" style="padding: 5px 12px;"><i class="fa fa-trash-o 2x" style="padding-left: 3px;"></i></a></td></tr><tr><td>Os<br>
pring Market Osnabrück</td><td>04/19/2014</td><td>04/22/2014</td><td>Daily</td><td>Urban Flea Market</td><td><a href="" class="btn btn_orange" dat...
...eeting schedules-create.html?area_id=OnRD4sBrvHZgAy4rK4&amp;event_id=h0NTcpfUlinWbpwBbpB1&amp;func=edit_event" class="btn btn_gray" style="padding: 5px 12px;"><i class="fa fa-penc..
...lass="btn btn_gray" style="padding: 5px 12px;"><i class="fa fa-eye 2x" style="padding-left: 3px;"></i></a>
                                    <a href="#" class="btn btn_gray" style="padding: 5px 12px;"><i class="fa fa-copy 2x" style="padding-left: 3px;"></i></a>
                                    <a href="/eventaddress/my-events.html?event_id=h0NTcpfUlinWbpwBbpB1&amp;func=delete_event" class="delEvent btn btn_red" data-featherlight="#fl2" style="padding: 5px 12px;">..
..trash-o 2x" style="padding-left: 3px;"></i></a></td></tr>                        </tbody>

                    <a href="/eventaddress/event-schedules-create.html?area=Night+Market+Osnabrueck&amp;area_id=OnRD4sBrvHZgAy4rK4" class="btn btn_green right"...</a> <br><br>
                    <a href="#" class="right" style="margin-top: 10px"><i class="fa fa-chevron-right fa-lg" style="margin-right: 5px;"></i>All Event Locations</a>


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Answer №1

To make .event_area_table_termin dynamically adjust its height, change the value to auto instead of height:112px;.

.event_area_table_termin {
    height: auto;


Answer №2

It seems that the issue in your situation lies within the inner div that has the classes "twelve" and "columns" receiving a "float:left" style, leading to a loss of its height. Consequently, the outer div fails to properly envelop the inner div.

To address this problem, it is suggested to remove the "float:left" style from the inner div, replacing it with float:none; unless doing so contradicts the rest of your design choices.

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