The concealment of the container is ineffective when attempting to hide it until all cached images are

My website has a background and a main container. I wanted to hide the container until the entire page had loaded, so I included


at the beginning of the page and

$(window).load(function() {

towards the end, right before the </body> tag. This setup worked perfectly on the initial page load.

ISSUE: However, upon reloading the page, all images and text appeared scattered before loading completely. This behavior seemed to be caused by cached images even though they were within the main container styled with opacity:0, which left me puzzled.


I am utilizing turn.js to turn the entire container into a book, intending for it to become visible once it's fully loaded along with initialized JavaScript.


This is how I am checking for "images loaded" and "initialized JavaScript." It seems to work as intended. Is this approach acceptable for handling the situation?

  $(window).ready(function() {

  $(window).load(function() {

Answer №1

It seems like the issue could be related to the usage of $('window').onload();

Take a moment to check out this helpful post on Stack Overflow.


The load event occurs once all assets, including images, have finished loading. On the other hand, ready is triggered when the DOM is fully loaded and ready for interaction.

According to MDC's explanation of window.onload:

The load event is fired at the end of the document loading process. By this time, all elements are in the DOM and all images and sub-frames have completed loading.

Referencing the jQuery API documentation on .ready( handler ):

Although JavaScript's load event waits for all assets like images to finish loading before executing code, .ready() allows the script to run as soon as the DOM structure is finalized. It ensures that the handler provided to .ready() runs after the DOM is fully operational, making it ideal for attaching event handlers and running other jQuery scripts. When dealing with scripts reliant on CSS style properties, it's essential to load external stylesheets or include style elements prior to script execution.

Please confirm if this adjustment resolves the issue.

Answer №2

Make sure to reference the correct block in both your CSS (such as #container) and your JS (like #cover).

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