The compatibility of IE9 with tables and the use of display: block

When optimizing my site for low-width mobile devices, I adjust the display property of various table elements such as tr, td, and th to block in order to stack them vertically. This technique helps wide tables to show all their content without overflowing from their container.

While this method works well in modern browsers, unfortunately it does not work in IE9. Is there a workaround for this issue?

Check out this jfiddle:

Below are screenshots for reference:

IE11 (Expected result):

IE9 (Undesired outcome):

Answer №1

td {
    width: 80%\9;
    float: right\9;

Set a specific width for the table cell and apply floating to it.

Answer №3

If you're struggling with tables, consider using div tags instead

For example:

<div style="display:table">
  <div style="display: table-row">
    <div style="display: table-cell">
      content content
    <div style="display: table-cell">
      content content content

This approach works well for Internet Explorer 8 and above

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