The color of the bootstrap button appears incorrect on Chrome browser (Mac) for some reason

I was in need of a grey color for my button, so I opted for the Bootstrap button which helped me achieve my desired look. However, an issue arose when viewing it on Chrome on a Mac system - it displayed a white background instead of grey.

Can someone provide some insight into this matter?

<button class="btn btn-sm" style="font-weight: bold;color: #3f51b5; width: 100px;border: solid 1px black;" data-id="xxxxxxx" data-phase="" data-phases="xxxxxx" data-description="" data-priority="0" data-due="" data-name="TTTTe" data-status="complete" data-assigned="xxxxxx" data-target="#project_actions" onclick="editTask(this,'xxxxxx')"> Edit</button>

Chrome (Linux):

The grey color is displaying correctly, as intended.

Chrome (Mac):

A white color is showing up, but I want it to be grey.

Please assist me as I am unable to identify why the white color is appearing on Chrome on a Mac system.

Answer №1

Apologies for the delay in responding. I have managed to discover a resolution for the issue at hand. Specifically for Mac users, we need to utilize -webkit-text-fill-color

Answer №2

By applying the

style='-webkit-appearance: none!important;'
, I was able to resolve the issue successfully. Everything is functioning properly now.

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