The click interactions of SVG elements are altered when switching between <img> and <object> elements

I currently have 4 SVG buttons featured in the main menu of my personal website.


Upon clicking one button, all 4 buttons retract to the corners and reveal the corresponding section (e.g. Clicking "AboutMe" reveals the AboutMe section).

Initially, I embedded the SVG objects within an img tag:

<img class = "button active" id = "person-icon" src = "resources/main-page-icons/person-icon.svg"/>

This method was chosen because it was thought unnecessary to embed the SVG in an object or embed tag when no animation was required. However, upon deciding to add a hover effect to the SVG element, the img tag had to be changed to an object for styling and animating:

<object class = "button active" id = "person-icon" data = "resources/main-page-icons/person-icon.svg" type = "image/svg+xml"></object>

While the hover effect functioned correctly, the SVG became unclickable. It was discovered that clicks were registering on the SVG itself rather than the object it was embedded in. Even wrapping it in a div did not resolve the issue.

Question: Is there a way to animate the SVG element while also handling click events on the object element in which it is embedded?

In anticipation of the question "Why not handle the click event within the SVG element?" It was believed that allowing an SVG element's behavior to impact other elements would be illogical. For this reason, click events were managed OUTSIDE of the SVG element initially (e.g. clicking one button expands others, fades in content = undesirable). While potential solutions may exist, the original approach was deemed most appropriate at the time.

Thank you in advance for any assistance provided.

Answer №1

After spending some time searching on Google, I finally discovered the solution here:

In order for this type of tag to display on the page, it requires some content.

Your tag:

<object data="images/logo.svg" type="image/svg+xml" class="icon-logo"></object>

does not contain any inner HTML-Content, making it unclickable.

The issue lies in objects needing a form of innerHTML to be recognized by the DOM. By adding text such as

, the object becomes clickable. It's important to note that the SVG DOM functions differently than the HTML DOM and does not support innerHTML. More information on this topic can be found here.

To work around this problem, I opted for using an image tag enclosed in a div that allows for animation and styling. While this solution works well overall, I encountered an issue with shape distortion when applying transformations to a circular div (border-radius: 50%). The distortion is noticeable, especially when a background/border is included. This particular challenge will require a separate post!

Answer №2

One reason for this behavior is that events occurring on framed documents do not bubble up to the main document due to security concerns.
The content within an <object> element is considered a framed document and is subject to these restrictions as well.

To address this issue, you can attach the event directly to the element's contentWindow or any element within its contentDocument.

However, it should be noted that the document will remain inaccessible for cross-domain resources loaded into the element.

In cases where users have set focus on the element using keyboard navigation like the Tab key, there may be some false positives when trying to detect the current active element.

function attachClickEvent(obj, callback) {
  // no cross-domain restrictions
  if (obj.contentWindow) {
    obj.contentWindow.addEventListener('click', function() {
  } else {
    // workaround solution
    window.addEventListener('blur', function() {
      // activeElement may not have been updated yet
      requestAnimationFrame(function() {
        // check that our element is the active one
        if (document.activeElement === obj) {
          // so we can detect it multiple times
    // setting focus on the document
    var inp = document.createElement('input'); = 'absolute'; = 0;


// call it when the element has loaded
crossDomain.onload = function() {
  attachClickEvent(this, function() {
    snippet.log('clicked on the doc')
// handling UA case where load event may already have fired =;
<!-- Provides the `snippet` object, see -->
<script src=""></script>

<object width="200px" id="crossDomain" data=""></object>

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